It must be the week of Porn Star names

So far, within the last week, I have had inquiries regarding properties from ladies named Ebony Love and Candy Starr. :dubious: Not to mention the fact that we did indeed sign a lease with a “dancer” last week.

What is our clientele coming to?? :eek:

I had business dealings with a woman named Candy Music. I can only hope she dotted the “i” with a little heart. And if she isn’t a stripper, she oughta be.

so…um…where do you women live?

you know…someone ought to keep those wimmins with loose morals happy…
…and i just might be that guy.

I find your post morally reprehensible, sexist, and showing an acute lack of respect for the gentle gender.

Now get in line, I saw 'em first!!

Hey, strippers have to live somewhere.

I once had to cut a check for a woman named Holly Honey. It cracked me up.


Not necessarily a stripper/dancer name, but I once worked for a large IT company with a woman named Nancy Porn.

Well, I’ve always been scatologically amused by the name of the author John Jakes.