It reached 123 degrees today

It’s been 95-105 every damn day in Toronto and environs. And of course, it being Toronto, the humidity is always 100 percent.

My power bill is going to be outrageous.

123°F - that’s 55°C :eek: Holy Crap! I would just about die!

We’ve been having a real heat wave - it’s been around 25°C (77°F) for the last couple days. Oh, the heat - I can hardly take it. :smiley:

But seriously, I don’t like heat, and this actually is a little too hot for me, but think about me next winter when we have -30°C (-22°F) for a month. Actually, I don’t mind that too much, either.

Okay, never mind, I’m going to go…do something else now.

Stupid line break - make that -30°C, please.

RandMcNally stole my point. No seriously, he stole that out of my blog. You will rue the day! :mad: :stuck_out_tongue:

That said, I think it was 110 here or something? Honestly, it’s better not to think about.

Yes, living in this city these days is like inhabiting the inside of someone else’s gym bag. RJ, do you imply that you have air-conditioning? Lucky you… I’m in a seriously-overheated studio apartment with one electric fan for company.

This past month, for the first time in memory, my computer has been giving me overtemp alarms as the processor temperature passes 70 C, so I’m running it with the cover off and the fan blowing straight into it.

Tuesday evening I went down to the lake in search of Somewhere Cooler, and it didn’t make a damn bit of difference. :frowning:

I should get another fan… then I could have a club.