Itching for no reason?

So I was sitting here working yesterday and suddenly a spot on my forearm itches. As usual I check to make sure there isn’t a mosquito or other biting bug, then absentmindedly scratch the area and get back to work. But then I got to thinking…what WAS that? I mean, if there was no bite or anything, why did that particular patch of skin just decide to feel itchy? And after being scratched, it never itches again.

I went out to eat later and observed some other people in the restaurant. Sure enough, every few minutes every person would scratch themselves somewhere, and apparently without even thinking about it.

In the absence of bug bites, what causes these itches?

Well, itching can be very psychological, which is why I find myself scratching every couple of seconds as I write this…

Beyond that, itching can be caused by a whole lot of things including a buildup of dead skin cells, dry skin, or clothing.

Have you started using a new soap or perfume? Perhaps you had a mild allergic reaction to something you ate. Also, people who abuse stimulants have the feeling of bugs crawling under their skin.

No, no, this is normal itching, the kind most of us seem to do every couple minutes. Chances are anyone reading this thread has just scratched an itch like this within the previous 60 seconds. Or will scratch one while reading this.

I was just suddenly curious about what causes this.