It's 100% official- I'm a doctor.

Where is the Romanes eunt domus bit?


Congrats again! (BTW, when do we get to finally see them boots?)


In that picture your husband has this look on his face like “OMG my wife is a doctor! tee hee!” :slight_smile:

Congrats, Irishgirl!

And, um, you’re really hot!

Congratulations! What will be your speciality? Do you go into practice for yourself or will you be working in a hospital?

(And should I be concerned that you look like you’re 12 years old, much too young to be a doctor?)

This should not be a problem.

When I wanted to look older, I just followed some advice my dear old Dad gave me.

And grew a mustache.

:stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

My boyfriend is going into Podiatry, and he says he is very happy that there are very few podiatric emergency situations, so he’ll be a pretty 9-5 kind of doctor.

Choose Dermatology.

Nobody has an Emergency Pimple.


Big congrats!

Quite seriously, they need doctors in Las Vegas so should you ever decide to opt for a warmer climate, my guess is your permanent visa papers would just sail right through…and you could probably bring your husband, but he might have to learn to speak 'merican first.

And regarding dermatology…remind me someday to tell you my story about a mis-diagnosis…

All hail Dr. Irishgirl!

How wonderful! The whole thing, including any address to the graduates? Or just the official announcements, names of awards etc?

Congratulations! :slight_smile: Another Doctor for the Dope. Well done.

Congrats, Doctor Irishgirl!



And acsenray is corrrect.

Which somehow makes it worse. When a relative stranger approaches my nether regions with a rubber glove and a serious expression, I don’t want it to be someone who I had no chance with in high school.



Wooohooo woohoo woohoo! Congratulations! Enjoy your victory. :slight_smile:

Congrats, *irishgirl.

Considering your looks, and that I worked opposite the gates of your college for two years, it’s a wonder I never noticed you.

Er… that sounded creepy, didn’t it?

It’s a coincidence I was working there. Nothing else. The night-vision binoculars were… just a… gift. That’s it. A gift.

All right! Congrats to you, Doc!

WTG, DR. irishgirl!!!

This is a little more US-centric, but you might appreciate this graphic, if you’re really still trying to make up your mind about a specialty. :wink:

Congratulations!!! :smiley:

Wow, that describes my motivations for choosing my projected training track perfectly. Sane->Lazy->Afraid of the Light->Radiology!

Congratulations irishgirl! :smiley: