Exactly. Even today, we don’t have a problem with segregation or discrimination along socially acceptably, or legally defensible lines. Some people today live in gated communities, send their kids to prestigious private schools, or belong to private clubs or fraternities. Some jails used to segregate people by race until very recently.
We also still have many educated people on this board who will never miss an opportunity to point out the inherent inferiority of Blacks and other minorities, yet few will call them out on their racist, backwards notions. Here are a few of my favorites:
From a thread about the difficulty of getting into med school:
From a thread about how we should combat modern racism:
There was another (by another poster) I cannot find at the moment that speculated that the relatively recent influx of Dominicans (and other Hispanics) in professional baseball and boxing was not due to culture or economics, but rather their innate superior hand speed. :dubious:
When their racial witnessing is interrupted by contradictory facts and logic, they double down on stupidity. When you have educated people who believe such things today, it is any surprise that people years past would think that such conclusions justified de jure segregation (or even slavery)? In fact, I’d go one step further in saying that if you honestly believe Blacks and others are inherently inferior, why would you want to have desegregated schools, et. al.? Maybe, we should acknowledge the fact that many people are no “less racist” than people were in the past, they just lack to courage and conviction to publicly advocate that the government or powers that be actualize and enforce their positions on race.