It's a good thing that teenagers don't read newspapers

I was going to quote extensively from this article I read in our local paper but didn’t want to run the risk that either of the subjects, or someone that knows them, might read the SDMB. The article described how people are renting space in storage units to hide Christmas presents from the prying eyes of their children. A woman is quoted as saying “It’s a great concept because it takes away that worry that they’re going to find them. Therefore you have the element of surprise on Christmas”.

Well, as long as her boyfriend’s son doesn’t read the paper, there’s an element of surprise - the article gives the woman’s name, where she lives, and lists what she and her boyfriend bought for the 18 year old.

Heh. If teenagers read newspapers, we’d see stories in the Science section about the “Strange Brains of the Middle-Aged” and how you shouldn’t be too hard on your parents, since they’re just having mid-life crises and can’t help it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I must admit that I’m in awe of the amount of discretionary income some people seem to have. Presumably there are not only enough presents to warrant the rental of a storage unit, but there is also the cost of the unit itself. You could get another toy for that price!

This strikes me as absolutely hysterical. :smiley:

That was my reaction to the newspaper article, and the reason for the OP.

I can see BlackKnight’s point, though, concerning how the cost of the rental could have paid for more gifts.

at least this lucky kid won’t be sent to prison for opening his presents early.

maybe the whole block or family could get together to rent the space and save a buck.

That is pretty funny. I dunno, I figure if an 18-yo is that determined to spoil his own surprises, why not let him? It’s his problem really, unless he’s actually destroying the household (the article said he “ransacked” the house).

Well, it will only tell him that he is getting presents, which he likely already knew. The article didn’t say what the presents are, did it?

As I said over in the thread about the kid who “stole” his present, I think it’s a sad indicator of what behavior is culturally acceptable that renting a storage facility is the only way to keep family members from stealing their presents. Another way to manage this is not to give present to anybody who opened them without permisson the holiday before.

Yes, it did. And I just realized that someone’s username in this thread is the same as the mother’s in the article. Considering her comment, I doubt she’s the same woman. But still I hesitate to spoil the teen’s surprise. Oh well, since Dangermom saw the article, too, it won’t take long till somebody reveals it, so I’ll tell - he’s getting a stereo, video games, and a hunting bow.

emphasis mine.

Ok, that is the last time I preview a reply, go to lunch, and then come back and post it.

So, I don’t get any brownie points for attention to detail?

One of the 16-year-old twins on “Little People, Big World” mentioned that he hasn’t read a book since kindergarten. I hope he meant “for pleasure”; at least if he had to read for school he read something. :eek: