It's amazing! (Mansplaining)


Yes, dear.


:dubious: Well then it was a pretty stupid question, wasn’t it? catflea12 says “My relative likes to pontificate about various topics, that’s why I told him to STFU”, and you ask “Does your relative come to your house and physically force you to read his posts?”

What’s the point of asking such an obviously rhetorical question about an extremely implausible situation, unless you’re trying to insinuate that catflea12 should simply ignore the annoying posts that she’s not being physically forced to read rather than telling the poster to STFU?

It’s not a rhetorical question if I expect an answer. And if the answer would have been “No, he doesn’t” then I would have responded with “Ok”

As it is, it’s more fun now watching you get all bent out of shape over one single question :slight_smile:

It’s astounding how some people are incapable of creating a descriptive thread title.

Oh, I see. Well, trolling’s not prohibited in the Pit, so knock yourself out.

Thanks for your permission!

At the risk of mansplaining, Intergalactic Gladiator was making a joke.

Time is fleeting!

Madness…takes it’s toll

I laughed.

For the win.

I would have liked to see Abraham mansplaining to his wife (Sarah?) what the hell happened up on that hill with Isaac.

Which one of you is gonna make me that sandwich?

Put another log on the fire, babe, and come and tell me why you’re leaving me.


It’s truly and delightfully ironic that those same people seem to assume that all other people are idiots with very poor vocabularies who need simple words explained to them. I wonder if women get upset when they womansplain like this to someone whose language skills are far superior to their own, and that person tells them to STFU. I’m thinking yes. :smiley:

Still want to pretend you don’t care?

ETA: But listen closely…

This thread might not continue for very much longer.

Maybe she’s just pontificating. :wink:

What does that mean?