It's May! It's May! The merry month of mini-rants!


Call back and ask if you can get the drink to drink at home, so that you show up in time for the first blood draw. That’s the way my doctor’s office did it.

Tiny little petty rant: Screw Starwood Preferred Group for not dealing with my surname properly. Surely you have many international customers with multiple surnames, hyphenated names, etc. Your computer not being capable of being able to put capital letters on multiple surnames is very annoying, and considering how high-end and deluxe you’re portraying yourself as, it’s kind of rude to those customers as well.

And on that subject, screw you to the airlines as well. Some day you’re going to get me pulled aside for extra screening because my ID/passport doesn’t exactly match my plane ticket and someone gets in a snit about that.

What I’m really mad it: Screw cold viruses and plane trips. Second plane trip in two months and I get a cold each time. I cannot believe how relieved I am that I said I couldn’t go on two trips in less than a week, or else I’d be flying while feeling like shit. Fuck sinus infections.

I can ask, but I doubt it. When I made the appoinment they specifically told me that I could not leave the lab once the test had started.

Oh Lord, I’ve worked with Starwood properties. You wanna know how outdated their computer interface is? When we opened a new property in 2008, we had to do the information build (room numbers/types/locations; codes for taxes, parking, and other in-house charges; room rates; etc.) in a UNIX program developed in 1989. Nineteen-freaking-eighty-nine! The entire accounting system operates the same way - no mouse control, just that effing blue screen and using arrows to do accounts payable/receivable. I’m not surprised that they still can’t work with a hyphenated last name, because I suspect that they’re still training the pterodactyls to chisel out the hyphens on registration cards… (By comparison, I now work for a Choice property - decidedly mid-scale. Our property management system is entirely web-based, and extremely awesome. If an employee can’t figure out an issue with paperwork, s/he only has to call. I can log in from any computer, or even my smart phone, and fix it. If an untrained person has to work the night audit, I can run it from home/vacation/the grocery store/wherever, and just let them print the paperwork from the hotel.)

Hey idiot,

I realize your leg was in a cast and I sympathize, but you were in a wheelchair in the middle of the lane. Wheelchairs go on the sidewalk which was just to the right of where you were. I’m not a mind reader; maybe the road was smoother than the sidewalk. I do know that you didn’t move, even when I came upon you with my CAR. So maybe deaf and in a wheelchair.

Next time, pull out the cell phone and call the cops.

“Hey, I was just checking to see if wheel chairs were street legal.
Well there’s one driving down the road right in front of me, and it’s not the first time. Such-and-such road, near thisother street. Please send an officer around, this guy is going to get himself killed.”

I never had that when I was pregnant - but the bad news is, now that I’m breastfeeding? I’ve felt your pain - I cannot seem to drink enough water to keep from getting constipated with football sized crap that leaves me with the “constipated mathematician” joke* stuck in my head.

And yes, the baby is always worth it :wink:

My own mini-rant: the baby turns 5 months tomorrow. It would be nice of her father to actually, you know, come meet her. Or for her paternal aunt and uncle to meet her. Or acknowledge she exists, or send a card, or a present, or anything, to be honest. It’s me he’s divorcing, not your niece. Assholes.

*Worked it out with a pencil.

May the 4th be with you. Always.

I would like Star Wars Day a lot more if it were not my birthday, I think. Well, if people REMEMBERED it is my birthday. (Not you guys, but … you know, people I work with, and my kid, and stuff.)

Just a point, but is the sidewalk there raised? I don’t use a wheelchair myself, but there’s a lot of places here at least where if you try to cross a road with one, you’re forced to go some distance along the road in order to get to a dropped section.
Anyway, I just wanted to have a whinge about the noisy twits upstairs- they came back in at 2am last night, then stuck the radio on full and danced around the living room (directly above my bedroom, with no soundproofing) for hours.

Then the bloody cheeky bit- early this afternoon one of them had a parcel delivery, and just told the delivery guy to ‘get someone from one of the other flats to sign for it’ over the intercom.

So, let me get this straight, you can’t be arsed to come down the stairs, or, possibly, you’re still in pyjamas or something, because you were up all night, and you don’t want to come down like that, so you ask the delivery guy to get the people you kept awake all last night to sign for YOUR parcel because YOU’RE still tired???

I didn’t kick up too much as I was talking to the delivery guy no them, and it’s not his fault; he seemed as confused by it as me- I don’t even know these idiots, I don’t even know their names, they just moved in recently and I hardly ever see them.

I don’t know who you are. I don’t know where you work. I don’t even know if you have any legitimate business with my agency. But I swear that if you call my phone number one more time from a fax machine, I will feed you your document.

If you can - and haven’t already - transfer the incoming call to your fax machine. Use the fax to track down the person and then force-feed said document into the orifice of choice.

I might try that next time. I’m getting really tired of getting an earful of “Bzzzzzztptangptangptangbzzzzzzfffsssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh”.

Have you looked around to see if there’s another lab in your area that has somewhat more sensible policies?

People who flush before you sit down: why do you DO that?

A couple million people die every yearbecause they’ll never have access to so much as a glass of clean water in their entire lives, but your piss and shit is so fucking special that it has to drop into sparkling pure potable water?

The downside is if you end up getting a junk fax, there’s no one obvious to harm. However, the machine on the other end may decide it’s now sent the fax through and thus not call again.

I wish I knew what to do about the assholes who call me at work about five times a day. The caller ID shows “0000000” and if you stay on the line, the call is disconnected after a moment. I don’t know how I can block these and it’s a huge pain in the ass to be interrupted over and over and have to give the phone greeting (which is a mouthful) and it’s all for nothing.

Not really a rant, just an observation. Juanita at Global Web Services? I thought you were a telemarketer calling for my boss and I almost gave you a nothxkbye because you said you were Juanita at Global Web Services. You may want to add the “for Citibank Private Bank” closer to the beginning.


Usually, it’s because “Fat Bastard left a floater”.

I don’t particularly want someone else’s fecal matter splashed up onto / into my ass.

Does that sound like a reasonable excuse?

If the water is clean, well then I don’t know. That just seems fucking wasteful.

Yep…people call me up, and they give a greeting that sounds like the opening of a telemarketing spiel, when they are actually representing companies that I want to talk to. So MANY telemarketers use something as generic as “Credit Card Services” that I don’t know who to brush off and who to listen to. Gimme a reason to listen to you, if you don’t want to be hung up on.