I understand my job can get stressful…any job can. But for crying out loud, how much intelligence does it take to hand out a goddamn burger?
We hired two new closers last week…seeing as they both spoke english and weren’t high at the interview, we were pretty psyched. Yay, we finally have front closers again! I swear to god, these girls were so dumb…I think one of every 2 bags that went out the window was wrong. It’s really not a complicated process…the customer places thier order, pays, drives up to the front window, where the presenter bags the food, hands it out, and presses the ‘serve’ button. A 6 year old could do it. I have alot of crap I have to do in the office at night…counting drawers, entering waste, doing my inventory…usually, I take the last hour just to do my stuff, and I leave the front closer doing drive thru by themselves. Since Misty and Ellie are so slow, I’ve started openig up the back booth, and taking money and orders for them. All they have to do is bag the food, hand it out, and press serve. They just can’t master this…we’ll have cars wrapped into the street at midnight. It’s sick.
They also can’t master the art of coming to work on time…the last 3 shifts they’ve worked, they’ve been late. Thursday they were scheduled to be on at 6…all of my front people were off at 6, they were the replacements. 6:15, no sign of them. Poor Catie’s mom is sitting there waiting for her, and Catie is refusing to leave me stranded. 7:20, they finally call, they’re running a little bit late. And they didn’t know they were on at 6…oops. They finally showed up at 7:30. Tonight, they were on at 7, called a little before 7 to say they were running 10 or 15 minutes late…they didn’t show up until 8:30.
Shortly after midnight tonight, Ellie decided she couldn’t take it any more. So she tells me she’s sick, and that she’s going home. I soon realize they’ve both taken off, and completely screwed me over. Yeah, I’m a happy camper…Friday night, and I’m without a front person. I spent my last 2 hours taking the orders and money, running up front, handing out the food, serving it off, going back to take more orders, etc. But, I’m proud to say, I still beat their times
As far as I’m concerened, they’re gone…I won’t work with them on my shifts anymore. If Jen or Nadine wants them on thier one day closing…well, more power to them. But I’m not putting up with that shit anymore.