It's MCDONALDS people!

I understand my job can get stressful…any job can. But for crying out loud, how much intelligence does it take to hand out a goddamn burger?

We hired two new closers last week…seeing as they both spoke english and weren’t high at the interview, we were pretty psyched. Yay, we finally have front closers again! I swear to god, these girls were so dumb…I think one of every 2 bags that went out the window was wrong. It’s really not a complicated process…the customer places thier order, pays, drives up to the front window, where the presenter bags the food, hands it out, and presses the ‘serve’ button. A 6 year old could do it. I have alot of crap I have to do in the office at night…counting drawers, entering waste, doing my inventory…usually, I take the last hour just to do my stuff, and I leave the front closer doing drive thru by themselves. Since Misty and Ellie are so slow, I’ve started openig up the back booth, and taking money and orders for them. All they have to do is bag the food, hand it out, and press serve. They just can’t master this…we’ll have cars wrapped into the street at midnight. It’s sick.

They also can’t master the art of coming to work on time…the last 3 shifts they’ve worked, they’ve been late. Thursday they were scheduled to be on at 6…all of my front people were off at 6, they were the replacements. 6:15, no sign of them. Poor Catie’s mom is sitting there waiting for her, and Catie is refusing to leave me stranded. 7:20, they finally call, they’re running a little bit late. And they didn’t know they were on at 6…oops. They finally showed up at 7:30. Tonight, they were on at 7, called a little before 7 to say they were running 10 or 15 minutes late…they didn’t show up until 8:30.

Shortly after midnight tonight, Ellie decided she couldn’t take it any more. So she tells me she’s sick, and that she’s going home. I soon realize they’ve both taken off, and completely screwed me over. Yeah, I’m a happy camper…Friday night, and I’m without a front person. I spent my last 2 hours taking the orders and money, running up front, handing out the food, serving it off, going back to take more orders, etc. But, I’m proud to say, I still beat their times :smiley:

As far as I’m concerened, they’re gone…I won’t work with them on my shifts anymore. If Jen or Nadine wants them on thier one day closing…well, more power to them. But I’m not putting up with that shit anymore.

Damn child labor laws.

But on the other hand, think of the difficulties whenever you had a promotional tie-in with the latest Disney film.

Thank God…from the thread title, I thought they’d added something else to the menu! :smiley:

Pammipoo, why do Misty & Ellie still have jobs at your store?

I worked at Wendy’s back in the day, and coming in 90 minutes late without a viable excuse was instant termination. Was my manager just an unusual hardass?

I have noticed that something has changed in the fast food industry over the last 15 years. The quality of today’s fast food employees went quite a bit down by my reckoning. Apparently, no one will work for $7.00/hr anymore, even though people kicked butt for $2.85/back in the day?

I’m sure a lot of this is selective memory on my part, but still I ask: what has happened?

Personally, I’d rather pay double for fast food & have it served to me by competent, polite, working-their-way-through-college, and serious-as-a-heart-attack employees making $15/hr than what the fast food sector offers now. But I doubt the business model will ever change.

Pammipoo, in your locale, is this rule of thumb practical: if working at your store is the absolute maximum of this person’s ambition and potential, DO NOT HIRE THEM? Or does that summarily disqualify too many applicants?

That was way uncool thing those two girls did. Just hire all the people that come to the interview stoned. That way you know they will have to come to work, in order to by more smoke, or whatever they were on.
Nicklz has memories of the days when he worked at McDonalds then ponders the question of whether or not there is a God?

Gee, and I got fired from my two week long fast food experience because I had a beard and had biker friends. Maybe I could have lasted longer if I was stupid…

I only worked in fast food once, and I lost my job because I wasn’t fast enough.

Taco Bell (in the days before Pepsi acquired them); the manager put one person on cash register and one person on steam line (two during rush). The person on cash register was to listen to the customer’s order, repeat it back to them, followed by the total price, accept the amount tendered, count back the change, and hand them the order, which positively absolutely had to be ready by their side by that point.

“That’s two bean burritos one with green sauce instead of red sauce one tostada and two taco supremes a medium mountain dew and a large pepsi that’ll be $6.10 from 10 15 25 50 75 7 three is 10 here’s your order sir Hello may I help you?”

I could not keep up when I was on steam unless it was a small order. I did better on cash register but after awhile the manager said I wasn’t cutting it.

They do seem to be slower these days.

My worst experience was at a Burger King in south Troy (note to Flymaster and Buov: be very happy that they built the new one on Hoosick St. and never go to the other one). After about 15 minutes, where somehow the two people after me and my friend got served, the moron at the cash register started complaining that the receipts weren’t being printed out. I leaned over the counter and saw the receipt for my Whopper Value Meal sitting there. I said “this one is my order, could I please get it.” It only took a little bit more after that.

I think the main problem was that the girl had no idea how to work the register. At one point she asked another employee, who was on break, how to hold certain items, and after he showed her (it seemed pretty easy to me, and I couldn’t even see the register) she complained that he went too fast. I always figured that Burger King trained its employees in using the register before leaving them at it by themselves. That would make more sense.

It seems the days the AHunter3 described are pretty much long gone.

I was a night closer at Burger King during two summers in high school; after my senior year they offered to make me a manager if I’d reconsider going to college. I admit I did think about it (and almost regretted it after graduation, saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of debt and no job in sight).

Part of me is somewhat nostalgic for that time, for some strange reason. I’m sure I’m viewing it through rose-colored glasses, and I know I didn’t love my job, and I had rants aplenty, but for some reason it felt better, in some ways.

Eh, whatcha gonna do.

South Troy? and it wasn’t perfect service? Color me shocked. Where is that one, anyway? Over near the Taco Bell and the Pizza Hut?

Taco Bell’s here in Oakland (California) are the worst. All of them.

We’ve repeatedly been to them when they’ve run out of minor, insignificant ingredients like tortillas or rice. One time they were out of ground beef, refried beens, and taco shells all at the same time.

Another time I ordered a chicken burrito and they were out of chicken and rice (the two major ingredients). They didn’t tell me this, they just made me a chicken burrito without chicken or rice.

We now have a rule that we are not allowed to eat at an Alameda County Taco Bell.

So, what exactly did they hand you? A hollow tortilla?

The Taco Hell on 14th (I think) was hideous, I haven’t been there in years.

I spent 25 minutes waiting for 3 sandwiches in the Jack in the Box in Alameda once.

But, I have to say the worst was when I went to the Arby’s in San Leandro, and they were out of roast beef.

I remember a few years ago, my mom and I went to a BK on a very hot day. There was a long line, but we were hungry so we waited. There was this lady who had already ordered her food and was waiting for it. She asked to speak to the manager, and the manager came. She said, “I have been waiting here for 15 minutes, and all I ordered was a small frozen Coke!” The manager replied, “Listen! This isn’t my problem, so quit yelling at me!” After that, my mom and I just left.


Just wanted to say that I appreciate the fact that you are trying to get orders done fast and right. Don’t think your work isn’t appreciated. Sometimes it seems like finding a fast food place where the workers actually care is an impossible task. When I do find one, I treasure it dearly.

<---------handing Blackclaw a kleenex. You seem to have something on your nose :smiley:

Fuck you, Cartooniverse. Fuck you long and hard with a jagged rusty vibrasaw. I’ll give someone a compliment if I fucking want to give someone a compliment. I don’t have anything to gain from it. Just because you’re an anus diver doesn’t mean that it’s what motivates everyone else. That was the first post I have made to this board in over a month and I get shit from you for it. And it’s not even good shit, just some tired old fucking line. You’re just another mediocre asshole in a world full of wannabes.

LOL…Pammipoo, Customer’s Suck is also open, we have sections about coworkers and such.
I remember working with this total idiot at Kmart-they NEVER FIRED him, just stopped scheduling him until he got the hint. :rolleyes:

He would leave in the middle of RINGING UP A CUSTOMER to go to the bathroom, leave people in his line, people in mid-order, didn’t tell anyone, even though there were TWO people on register! Jesus Christ, I mean, yeah, ya gotta go, but turn off your light and take care of your customers first, or if it’s an emergency, find someone to take over-like I did the one time for a few minutes.
