(Old) It's Moanday So That Means We Need A New MMP

FCM I apologize for misspelling your darling RoxStar’s name.

How do you like yours?

My late husband turned my onto sweets baked for a loong time (on foil - they’ll start to ooze a sweet goo that burns onto any surface) and then filled with simply cheese, and BBQ sauce.
Yes, really.
Sounds weird; tastes delishush.

Holy :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: that sounds good!

Jeez, I’m starting to feel like I missed a trend!

The pre-game rush was about what we expected: we were up to an hour wait time, which got an interesting mix of { shrug } “okay” and “*whhhaaaAAAAH?!?”

Not too many mess-ups, all things considered, but in the thick of it the break table was absolutely covered in “oops” pizzas - wrong/missing topping (esp. maddening when one is wrong out of five items) plus a few duplicates (“shit, you already made that?!”) and at least one cancelation.

So at least we ate well!

… and speaking of, I have a little frozen shepherds pie (technically cottage pie) in the oven, so imma toss Monkey some treats for a while and have a pre-meal smoke.

See y’all next go-round!