Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 45 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 52 and mostly cloudy for the day. Not much shakin’ for the day here at da cave, just the usual sloth, general overall uselessness, nappage, and day drinkin’. However, shortly I shall betake the biiiiiig trash can all the way down to the road for pickup. This means at least one productive thing will be accomplished. Sup shall be sketties 'n meatballs, sallit, and cheesey garlic bread just cause 'tis easy and nummy.
OK, this is the MMP. Do with it as y’all will. No great ideas or thoughts for contemplation… Just sump’n to hijack away.
Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah,
Afternoon, mumpers! It’s currently 11c/51f with no predicted change today, and cloudy. Weather app says “Mammatus clouds get their name from the Latin term for fucking man tits.” So now you know!
I have had an absolutely idle weekend being poorly, so I spent most of it in the highest sloth possible. I divided my time between bed and sofa, only managed to bestir myself to feed me and the mogs, and deal with their litter trays. I’m feeling a bit better today but am glad to be working at home. I cancelled today’s dental hygienist appointment as I’m still snotty and grotty, managed to get another one for next Moanday instead.
Work all day, must nip out at lunchtime to do a couple of essential errands, and then back to irk for the rest of the day. Leftover chilli for dinner from the freezer, so minimal cooking required.
Still up. Tired - eyes are sandy - but too restless to be truly sleepy. Plus I’m just damn itchy. I hope the plumbers come by so I can take a long shower; it’s not that I can’t shower but it drains slowly so a quick one is best, before I’m standing in inches-deep soapy water.
I guess I coulda started laundry, but my main goal was the sheets & my bed will soon hopefully be re-occupied.
Meanwhile I’m enjoying Monkey’s affections, and the sound of baby ratties squeaking in the next room, and the rainbow lights on my mini Christmas tree.
I left it on when I went to bed and it was kinda nice to wake back up to that softly festive, muted glow.
It’s 41 degrees Fahrenheit and raining lightly. It’s supposed to Rain early…then remain cloudy with showers in the afternoon. The high temperature is expected to be 47F.
It’s back to the salt mines today, but I’m working from home since tomorrow, I’ll have to drive to the office, pick up the MPA, and up the peninsula to Port Angeles. It’s going to be a very long day. If I were going alone, I’d head out super early, as is my wont, but since the MPA is coming along, I have to meet her in Oly town at 6:00. She is NOT an early riser. I could be up there at least three hours earlier if I were alone, taking care of business, driving the stuff back to Oly town, and be home at a reasonable hour. Since others are involved, several extra hours will be added to my work day. I guess that’s what comp time is for. Seriously, round-trip drive time alone from the office to Port Angeles is five hours, and then I’ll still have a 45-minute to an hour (if traffic is good) commute home once I return from Port Angeles. I’ll probably be in Port Angeles for at least four or five hours, too. I would much rather be on the road at 3:00 am.
But, one might say, extra hours are added even if you leave early. This is true, but I’m usually up that early anyway, and I’d much rather the hours be tacked onto the beginning of the day and not the end. I know not everything revolves around my time clock, but things like this are why I’ve stopped taking the MPA with me on trips. I’m much more efficient alone. I realize this all sounds like I’m bitching and moaning, and maybe I am, but it wasn’t my intent. Besides, I’d much rather listen to my music or silence and not have constant babbling. The MPA talks A LOT, and I’m less verbal.
I need to fuel up the Jeep today. I’ve pretty much decided I’m taking my rig and not the GOV.
Today, I have a meeting about current and projected office space usage, among other things. All I know is that it will be a long and busy week, between meetings, tasks, and training. Always with the stupid mandatory training…
FCM, I hope you can catch some shut-eye on your flights. I know it will be (or is) a very long day for you and FCD.
Sending my best to you all.
boofae, I’m glad you got some rest this weekend, but sorry you’re still dealing with the ickiness of the bug.
Morning all. Rain has departed the area (at least until Firday) and it’s 44F heading towards 63F and that pretty much sums up the next 4 days. The 4-S’s (shop-sammich-swim-sauna) will be my major activity for the day. I also need to finally download my November vacation pictures, the desktop doesn’t seem to want to anymore so I need to try the laptop before going out and finding help. Might also clean the lawnmower up and take it over for its “once every two years” overhaul, from the way the weather is going mowage may start real early in N. Ali-bama.
FCM, hope you have a nice finish to your trip. If you have many hours of time left, you might want to see if you can buy a lounge pass at a reasonable price, at least it will be somewhat more comfortable.
Taters, know you have a looooooonnnggg day coming, but a 3:00am start time is tough for us normal human beans; hang in there, and I’ve been in cars with talkers too, hope for the best.
boo fae, hope you get to feeling better soon. And you saying…
…is a wonderful-sounding term I am going to use next time I’m sick.
I was woken waaaay too early to the dulcet tones of Fox News blasting at about 1,000 decibels. It is cloudy and only in the low 50s so difficult to escape outside. I’m sorry for whinging about this but this vacation really has been a waste of my time and money. I always enjoy spending time with my sister but she has been sick while I’ve been here. Not contagious thankfully but she hasn’t had the energy to do anything. Today she feels better so my niece, my sister, and I are going to the Floribama for bush whackers and bingo. Sis will not be partaking in bushwhacker imbibing . Only 24 hours til I go home.
The smalls heaving wasn’t horrid, apart from Slothman needing to take a 15 minute bathroom break, 30min into the heaving. WTF, dude? Then I was loading a 4 car set on 200 north. Who in their right mind orders 2 cases of sombreros in February? Bonus, that package car had 3 bulk stops in it, so carrying 40lbs boxes in a tight space, while walking on the cardboard tubes from another stop should qualify me for being a Shaolin monk. Actually after all that, I kinda feel like I was beaten by a Shaolin monk. Naptime!
Good morning! Here’s to me remembering to post in the right thread!
I got through a glorious morning routine today, including a brisk walk outside while listening to 10% Happier with Dan Harris, and a twenty minute meditation session. I increased the duration of meditation today by five minutes. I’d like to work up to a half hour, even if that half hour is split between morning and evening. I have long considered the implications for meditation in terms of overall well-being, but a lot of the people who have been interviewed on this podcast have pointed out that the continuous process of getting distracted and then coming back to focus on your breath is a sort of “mental push-up” that leads to better overall focus in cognitive tasks across the board.
God I love working remote. There are so many more opportunities for self care.
My goal today is to get through a long recorded webinar I’ve been putting off for like, two months. It’s a HUD presentation on coordinated entry for homeless individuals, since there may be an opportunity in the future to apply for a coordinated entry grant with our local continuum of care. I probably sound like I know what I’m talking about, but I don’t, which is why I want to watch the webinar.
Happy commutes to all you working stiffs! We managed to continue our two-day streak of exercise class, and I’m feeling far superior to everyone else. Our instructor manages to put a lot of work into our half-hour efforts. It doesn’t seem like all that much, but it’s fairly tiring.
Today’s excitement will include refilling my pill containers, napping, petting the cat, and trying to get our newspaper subscription restarted. Sounds exhausting, I know. Have a good week, all!
Good morning! It’s still morning here, anyway, although it sounds like some of you start way earlier than I do. Good mid-day to all of you early birds!
FCM, I hope you have (had?) a good trip back home! The only thing more fun than vacation is sleeping in your own bed after you get home.
I started laundry yesterday with a good heart and then, in a classic “me” move, left one load in the dryer, one in the laundry basket, and the towels on the couch. I could swear the other two full- grown adults in the house know how to fold laundry, but I know from experience that we’ll be plucking clothes from the basket and dryer and couch until next laundry day if I leave it to them. Not exactly a taxing chore, but it’s amazing how tasks expand to fill the available time.
My husband told me yesterday he thought I was a little weird for wanting to teach our son how to do laundry, but he’s since come around. I’ll bet it pays off in the long run when he does his own wash, and ours. Right now it’s just so cute to see him trying to climb on top of the washing machine to reach the button. He doesn’t realize it’s a chore yet.
Greetings from Buenos Aires airport. Waiting for FCD to get our McLunch. We can’t check in for 5 more hours, so we need to find a place to sit and nap… More later.
Well, I seem to have picked up some sort of ick from the touristy throngs over in Vegas. Coughing, headache, and lots of snot. It’s not the plague (I tested), just a run-of-the-mill pain-in-the-ass common cold, I think. Bleagh. I took some generic DayQuil, which helps the symptoms a little, but not all that much. Nothing to do really but wait it out.
Family doesn’t start arriving for eight more days, so I’m betting it’ll be gone by then.
Not sure if I talked about this before. My brother and SIL from Raleigh wanted to come see their Hurricanes play the Golden Knights. Then my brother from Chicago decided he wanted to go too. Cool. They’re all staying at our house for a few nights and then we’ll go spend a couple nights on the strip and see the hockey game Saturday night.
Then, Raleigh bro decided he just had to see U2 while in town, so we all shelled out for tickets to that.*
Because of the concert, bro’s daughters decided they wanted to come too. So U2 will be me, Mrs W, Raleigh bro and SIL, Chicago bro, three nieces, and a niece’s boyfriend. That’s a lot of family all at once. It’ll be fun though, and at least the nieces won’t be staying with us.
*Much to the financial consternation of Mrs W - but we have two extras and hope to make our money back, and maybe even a profit, on the secondary market. But that’s a whole other story.
Spicy - Tobias loves to help me do laundry. He’ll put the clothes in my front-loader and shut the door. Then I pick him up and he pushes the start button. He’ll also help transfer wet clothes to the dryer. Then he’s done. I need to fold myself.
We’ve had some overpriced lunch and we found a clear bit of floor, since all seats are taken. It’s 2:45 and check-in starts at 7:30. Yeah. After that, we can go to the gate and find real seats. Our flight leaves at 11:25. So you see what my afternoon will be.
We had that here in western Mitten State a few days ago. Like, if it was the set of a horror movie, you would’ve thought the effects were cheesy and overdone.
{ laughs in Michigander-ese }
If we hit the 50s right now, the whole town would shut down … because everyone would “call in sick” and skip work to go be outside.
All joking aside, that truly does suck.
I love brainteasers like this.
Maybe someone has a “cheap tourist tchotchke” store, and is planning ahead for summer season.
Maybe they’re centerpieces, like for a wedding? We have an active thread right now about how best to paint dozens of rocks for an event; why not sombreros? Hell, turn 'em upside-down and you could serve chips in them.
Heh. I LOL’d.
Woah, dude, that’s, like, a lot for just one day. You givin’ FCM a run for her money?
May he never. Why take the fun out of it for him?
Don’t listen to them; they’re just weird. ( )
How on earth does one mentally “pronounce” your username, though?
Oughta run some errands today. Scratch that: need to run some errands today. Nope, scratch that, too: donwanna run any damn errands today.
Speaking of, whoever keeps eating all of Monkey’s kibble, and smoking all my weed, needs to knock it off. I just went to the damn store!
Oh, a coupla quick stories from last night’s shift.
Tales of a Pizza Worker at the Drive-thru
Woman at the window pointed out that the car behind her had their headlights off. “I don’t want them to get pulled over!”
I told her that was sweet of her (“Good lookin’ out, hon!”) and frankly, I’d already seen it and was gonna say something anyway.
One of our regulars, “Earl,” who’s about two hundred years old and looks like a very bedraggled Santa, pulled up next. I pointed out that he was in “stealth mode” in the darkness, and he replied that he had turned the lights off so they didn’t shine in the eyes of the person in front of him.
I was a bit verklempt. Two complete strangers looking out for each other, with absolutely no reward expected or even possible; just being good souls.
We were mostly deaaaaaad slow last night, except for a few lovely guys who pointed out TO US that we’d probably be a lot busier next Sunday, (“hurr hurr!”) due to some sort of pre-scheduled football nonsense.
Which is roughly like explaining to a grizzled E.R. nurse that they may see a few more patients than usual on New Year’s Eve.
Anyway, we had the usual late-night rush, then slowed back down again, and so I started closing stuff with Oven Master while Sweet Manager did manager stuff.
Thought to myself after a while, maybe fifteen minutes or so before we’d close anyway, “Dang, it’s like, really slow.” Saw the phone was deliberately off the hook. Quietly asked Oven Master if he’d done it. “Wha- the phone’s off?” Seemed genuinely innocent.
Okay, well, only one other person here … and hey, if Mrs Boss Lady says, “Screw it, we’re done early for the night” who am I to argue?
None of us wanted to drop everything we were doing to make one stupid little half-pepperoni or whatever, and we often get stuck with the late-nite orders anyway.
Oh, and while she was counting down the register, what should randomly come onto the Pandora mix I was playing, but Pink Floyd’s “Money.” So she’s clinking and clacking her way through her task while the speaker is … also playing $$$ sound effects.
I LOL’d.