It's NOT Fair!

See? This is what I am talking about! ** Necros** actually expects me to think his problem is worse than mine! HA! It’s not my problem! I can remind childish! Wooo! BWAHAHA mine is already over! My toof is gone and you gotta hurt in the future :stuck_out_tongue:

At least adults get to comfort themselves with booze and sex.

MamaHen, please consider this a virtual dish of ice cream (what did you say your favorite flavour was), and official
Mama Hen Was Very Brave At the Dentist Today
button. All testimony from the dentist will be disregarded, as will any bite marks. :slight_smile:

Who inherited her father’s bad teeth and her mother’s dislike of dentists. :frowning:

Thank you! See that’s all I wanted! Someone to make a HUGE deal out of me being brave!

Why don’t you treat yourself to some Haagen-Daxs? Expensive, but a treat nonetheless! I just bought two containers of the stuff yesterday… might get some more later! (yes, I’m a pig, but I fully intend to share with my friends)

You were very, very brave, MamaHen! Much braver than I was, the last time I had to have a tooth pulled.

A friend from work was actually designated by our boss to drive me and physically drag me into the dentist’s office. I whimpered all the way there, and offered her cash to just say we’d gone but she was having none of that. [sub][sup]Damn her to hell…[/sub][/sup]

Highly embarrassing story, but true.

You deserve a medal and some kind of monetary reward. Tell PapaHen to get off his disappearing keister and hand over the wallet! It’s shopping time!

Well, honey you were a brave girl, and you deserve something very special. Yes…a $10 gift certificate from Target!

I know, I know…But for you, my Mother Clucker, I’ll go all out.

(wipes away a few tears)
** cuate** I don’t know how to thank you! You are way too kind! I’d like to take a moment to brag. My dentist told me I was the only patient she’s ever had that giggled after both the shots and the extraction! See? I was really brave! Now, I’m going to Target!

Well done, MamaHen! Next time, though, take full advantage of your adult status…and ask for nitrous oxide.

Then count the pink elephants walking across the ceiling.

Free Indian clinics don’t offer fancy nitrous oxide! At least they give LOTS of pain killers :slight_smile:

Lel dresses up in the tooth fairy outfit after all, sneaks under MamaHen’s pillow, takes her tooth, and leaves a tiny lollipop. I’m all for rewards, but since you’re an adult, you can buy your own :slight_smile: