I grew up just as the Civil Rights movement ended. I was only a few years old when lunatics murdered Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy. People celebrating the death of the Nigger lover Kennedy and then cheering when Dr. King was shoot by a filthy coward. I’ve heard the N word my entire life.
I hope this bank gets sued for every dollar they have. I’m stunned beyond words that in 2011 something like this was done to a customer, with an account, at that bank. It’s right out of the Jim Crow days.
I can easily remember what happens to blacks driving a nice car, or trying to cash checks. The assumption that it’s stolen. A black guy couldn’t possibly have anything of value.
I thought we’d gotten beyond this. We supposed to be better than we were in 1969. Not worse. This shames us all. White, black yellow it doesn’t make any difference. We all bleed red.
Not for nothing, but Chase doesn’t like cashing large checks for anybody, regardless of who they are.
My company purchased some goods from a supplier (a private person, not a business), for an amount north of $10,000. For reasons I’m not really clear on, the supplier wanted to cash the check (no, I don’t get it either).
The check was drawn on a Chase Bank account.
The customer had an account at Chase Bank.
Chase Bank basically told him to go fuck himself.
When the customer called our Accounts Payable department asking for another payment option, he was told, once again, to go fuck himself (but that’s another thread entirely).
Questioning the check is bad enough. I understand it’s a lot of money, maybe the bank did need to double-check if it really looked fake.
There was no need to arrest the poor guy. Tell him they are verifying the check and come back Friday after it’s been looked at. They could always notify the cops later if the check was fake. Let the cops track him down.
Aressting a customer in the bank lobby is beyond extreme. Especially without confirmation that the check was bad.
I’m pretty sure there’s some information lacking in this story.
Presumably, this man was arrested at the request of the bank. If the bank had suspicions, and couldn’t verify funds, this is common as I understand it.
Also, I think everyone is ingoring the fact that when he couldn’t get proper service, he left.
I believe this was/could be misconstrued as “running” if you will. Real criminals won’t stick around for the cops if they suspect they’re being stalled.
As it all turns out, the bank obviously screwed up, but I don’t know why the knee-jerk reaction is always “racism!”
I don’t know why the bank didn’t get the tow company to return his car, but I can’t see any car getting auctioned after only 2 weeks.
I’m not saying the bank isn’t a huge dick. I just think there’s more to the story that got this guy locked up.
Sometimes I wonder if they really have, though. Like today, when I was advised by my coworker that my job is dangerous, because I could get robbed by black guys. I did remind him that I could also get robbed by white guys, Asian guys, Hispanic guys, or even women for that matter…
But they could verify the funds, as the check was real. I don’t understand why his car got towed, though. I understand that he left when they wouldn’t cash his check, then returned the next day. Did he leave his car in the parking lot overnight?