It's time for the Great Leftover Red Wine challenge!

I have about 2/3 of a bottle of Shiraz (Gemtree Bloodstone, if it matters) sitting in the fridge. It’s been there for a bit now, maybe a week or two - the weather here has gotten muggy and warm and humid and just does not inspire one to sip red wine.

So, I’ve decided the Shiraz has now been demoted to a Cooking Wine.

The question is, what should I do with it? I’d rather avoid anything that takes hours’n’hours to cook (see above: muggy warm weather) or I would have braised a pot roast in it by now. I can’t think of what to do with the wine. What say you, Kitchen Dopers? What’s your favorite culinary use for a medium-dry but reasonable fruity red wine, that preferably doesn’t take more than an hour or so?

I often use red in my chicken risotto. It gives a really lovely flavour, and a very attractive colour to the rice.

Or you could just freeze the wine and use it in a casserole when the weather cools off again.

Add a half cup or so to your spaghetti sauce while it simmers.

Use as the liquid in a pot of chili - though that might not work for you for warm muggy weather either.

Taste a little–it may already be too oxidized & taste yucky. I have an extensive wine cellar, and just realized a couple of months ago that Target sells wine that’s fine for cooking in a four pack of 8 oz. cartons. I can’t tell you how much wine I’ve wasted–I highly recommend trying those–opened wine really doesn’t keep more than a couple of days if that (it should be refrigerated, too).

Make sangria!

add a bit to to the ground beef for hamburgers.
Use it to make a salad dressing.

Make your own vinegar?

These came out so good I couldn’t stop eating them.

Leftover. Left…over. Leftover? Wine left over? Wine not drunk? Wine opened and then not consumed?

Sorry, the concept just is not something I can wrap my mind around.

Crock Pot Pot Roast (or chili) is wonderful, and doesn’t heat up your kitchen.

Those look so awesome. They are on my list of things to make and eat once I get these damn braces off.