It's time to kick ass at the complex office

Well, at 10AM, when they open, because I’ve learned that calling the “emergency number” does no freaking good at all. So, at 10, I’m calling and giving them a piece of my mind.

What’s wrong, you may ask?

This will make the 4th time in 2 weeks(and last week doesn’t count because I was out of the country and city from Monday the 15th, to Sunday the 21st). So, in the last 9 days that I’ve actually been at home, I’ve had hot water for 5. Post will be fixing this today. There will be no more “we’re waiting for a part” or “the maintenance guy will be there in the morning”. Fuck you. This is my hot water we’re talking about. I pay ridiculuous amounts for living in this “luxury apartment complex”. The least you can do is respond promptly at the rare moments when I need maintenance. It really doesn’t happen that often.

Oh, and to the “complex manager”? You can french kiss my ass. The last time I spoke with you about this problem, you said it was fixed, and wouldn’t happen again. How about a new hot water heater, ok? I think that would fix it faster than anything else. Oh, wait-does that come off your bonus because it’s a cost to the property?? boo hoo. I have to live here.

Ye gads. I’m sorry. That sounds like my LAST apartment complex…took 4 months for them to fix the front door to my building. It then broke again in 2 days. By the time I moved out 6 months later, it STILL wasn’t fixed.

Also in that complex: my hot water heater CAUGHT ON FIRE one night. And I never got a response to calling the emergency number. I finally gave up and just called 911.

Luckily, my new place is SO much better about stuff like that…when my hot water heater broke, a guy came out to fix it at 11:30 at night. The second time it broke (2 days later), they just gave me a new heater.