I've been at work for a while now.

So I guess I should actually start doing something right? I’ve been here for at least an hour, hour and a half, and not even looked at my stuff. This is my last week at my job, not that it really matters because my addiction to the SDMB has caused me to slack like this since I got the job. I’ve been known to go several hours reading the dope before I start work. In fact, I gone from punch in to lunch break at 3:00 without lifting a finger at my desk, leaving me to rush my work when I get back. On at least one occasion, the dope has prevented me from doing an entire day’s work (which isn’t much to begin with). I’m hooked. Do you share the same addiction? How much time at work do you fake working on documents when really, you’re typing your experience with goat felching?
The fight against ignorance comes at a price. The cost is employee man-hours.

I’ll go days at a time with no work to do whatsoever. I’m part of a team that does very specialized work within our company, and there’ll be long stretches where none of our customers need (or are will to pay for) our services. It’s during these stretches that my official job title may as well be “SDMB Poster”.

I feel no slacker-guilt over this, however, because when the work does come in, my company will charge our customers roughly my annual salary per hour for me to get things the way the customer wants them (not joking).

Well, I’m leaving this job because of the miserable salary (amoung other things).

[sub]I seemed to have relapsed. I can’t stay away for 30 minutes before I have to check my own thread. I’m supposed to be processing payments. Commence with the slackin! Hehe.[/sub]

I was berated by an incoming caller yesterday because I seemed distracted and was talking too quickly for her to understand.

Yes, she was a little slow to begin with, but I really was kind of ignoring her. You just get a little tired of explaining something incredibly basic five times (literally). Plus, there was that little matter of the post I was trying to finish typing…

Damn board!

Dude, why aren’t you an independant consultant?

I remember those days myself. Consulting was my gig and 95% of my billed time went right in my pocket without middlemen. The consulting world’s become a different place since the dot come bust. I probably should get over it.

Anyway… back to the OP…

SDMB time is my self declared bonus income. :slight_smile:

I’d say about a 1/3 of my pay goes to surfing on the net. Mostly the SDMB, news sites, and other hobby type forums. I like to diversify.

Awesome, keep posting slackers. Stick it to The Man!

I hate you all. :slight_smile:

My inbox is so full it’s threatening to topple over. I have to put my large tape dispenser on it as a paperweight. I have to stand up to get to the top pieces of paper. I don’t even have time to answer legitimate email enquiries from potential tenants.

I can’t even sit at my desk and surf on my lunch hour because people do not realise I’m on lunch (food on my desk and my phone shut off don’t even convey it) and I am the first person anyone who walks into our office sees, and they all think I’m the friggin’ receptionist. (Our department is moving, though! Yippee!

I’ll still basically end up being the “receptionist” for property management, though, which I hate having to do, but that’s another story.)

God, I miss slacker jobs. I used to write fiction when I worked at an answering service. When it was busy, it was crazy, but night shift and early morning? Tons of slacker time.

No internet connection, though. Bummer.

Don’t worry, sometimes you have to work to find time to post. That’s what the real addicts do.

“I’m sorry, I can’t pick up that phone, I’m have to finish this report!” continues typing anti-job post in the pit