When on the SDMB. “A problem with the webpage has caused Windows to close and reopen the tab.” At least four times this morning.
Also I’ve been getting a lot of Avast notices that malware/threats have been blocked – while on the SDMB.
When on the SDMB. “A problem with the webpage has caused Windows to close and reopen the tab.” At least four times this morning.
Also I’ve been getting a lot of Avast notices that malware/threats have been blocked – while on the SDMB.
What he said. Yesterday, too.
Does Avast give any sort of name for what it’s identifying as malware? That would go a long way towards being able to ascertain if this is a real threat or a false alarm.
As for the Windows notice, dunno.
Most of the problems with the SDMB come from either ads or server overload. Database errors and connection resets are usually server overload problems. Almost everything else comes from ads.
Install an ad blocker and a script blocker. I use Firefox and use adblock plus and noscript. Similar add-ons exists for other browsers.
It’s happened another half-dozen times this morning . . . Correction: The message reads, “A problem with the webpage has caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab.” If that makes any difference.
I also reported this and was given no real answer, but this is exatcly what I’ve seen. I can locate no malware-related cause, and it likely doesn’t have to do with ads per se, as it will strike pages without any ad content.
It’s most common when viewing multiple pages, but can strike pages already loaded even if it’s just one page. My guess is that, if it ad-related, there’s one particular ad in the cycle that’s causing it. Whenever that ad loads, or when if the server tries to update the ad content, it’s crashing the page.
Even if you normally don’t run an adblocker, it’s worth it for the SDMB. You can turn it on for just this site if you want to.
One more ditto…has happened to me multiple times over the last 2 days, and never before over the last decade.
Happened to me several times while looking at the boards before I signed on to my account.
This has been happening constantly to me for a few weeks now, no matter which of my 3 computers I am using. It’s REALLY annoying.
And that’s the key. It’s the advertising. The advertising you don’t have to see if you pony up an annual subscription.
Don’t bother complaining. They can’t do anything about it.
Subscribe, install adblocking, or suffer.
ETA: amazingly on-topic, I had at three browser shutdowns caused by ads while looking for the forum post I cite above.
are you one of those poor souls stuck with IE 8?
I toggled on Active X Filtering (so there is a check mark next to it) and it seems to have stopped this problem entirely for me. You’ll probably have to toggle it back off at some other sites to get them to work, but it’s easy enough to do.
I’m using IE 9, and it’s the 4th option down on the Tools section of the Menu toolbar. You can also find it on the Command toolbar under the Safety drop down. Probably other places as well.
When toggled off this site has become unusable for me, both at home and at the office, and that is no exaggeration at all. The browser crashing is essentially constant. But when toggled on, it hasn’t crashed yet and the board seems to work perfectly - except of course for possibly messing up whatever ads are presumably causing the problem.
I’m too lazy to switch to another browser, figure out how to install an ad blocker, etc. so I just fiddled around and the Active X thing is working for me. Even so, do this at your own risk and don’t blame me if it makes your computer explode. But it does seem to work.
Which makes me wonder why advertisers do stuff that would cause people either to not visit a site they sponsor or install an ad blocker that prevents their message from being seen. It seems stupid, but then again I don’t claim to have a great understanding of the problem. Just glad I stumbled on an easy, apparently effective work around.
Hope this helps.
^^ I think you might be on to something here, this is working for me too. I haven’t been on much lately because of the constant crashing, but so far knock wood there’s been no crashes.
It’s been happening to me on my home PC a lot, but not on a work computer. Not any other sites but the dope.
I just gave up on using IE for the boards and went to Foxfire and that has resolved it for me.
Never mind.