By this rat bastard. You see that tutorial on Apache? I wrote that. He took my name and email off it, and didn’t change a word! Here is an example of someone who ASKED MY PERMISSION to copy it. Notice anything different? Yeah, MY FUCKING NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS IS STILL ON IT. There’s a bunch of other sites that have carried the article as well, always free, because I’m a nice guy, but always with permission, and always with credit. (Ironically, my own website is down at the moment.)
Man, this really chafes my ass! All he had to do was ask! (I specifically mention in my FAQ that I almost always grant permission to copy my stuff provided you ASK ME AND GIVE ME FUCKING CREDIT!)
I wrote a letter to him explaining how this is severe plagiarism and demanding he remove it, but I’m not sending it until I hear back from my dad, who is a bigshot lawyer.
I’m fucking pissed for you. That’s bullshit. I like how he didn’t even substitute his own information in at the end, he just chopped your off and left it.
I had a porn site once copy my page on how to use Netscape with AOL (back with AOL 3.0) with no credit… they never answered any of my email, either. Pissed me off.
I don’t want money. In my letter (which I haven’t sent yet) I mention that I will take legal action (and contact his university and try to get him terminated) if he doesn’t remove it immediately.
I dunno, Sequent, universities rarely let a thing like “plagiarism”, even if it’s not in an official school assignment, go unpunished. To the “publishing world”, plagiarism is as horrendous a crime as rape and eating McDonald’s food.
I found it by accident. I wanted to look up something in that very document, and since my own site was down, I did a google search for one of the several sites that had carried it in the past.
And I found his.
The fucker.
And SPOOFE is right. If the academics had their way, plagiarism would be a capital offense.
And the freaking idiot even left several references to “friedo” in the text! I say you notify his university NOW, and tell them about this. While I can’t comment on how accurate the instructions are, they seem to be in a unique style, and there’s no chance in hell that he’d write EXACTLY the same article as you did, and put YOUR name in the examples. Tell the university that it’s plagiarism, he hasn’t responded to your communications, and that they need to double check his other credentials and writings. If he’s ripped YOU off, no telling how many other people he’s ripped off.
He even copied your mispellings (or typos).
Look at the first paragraph under - Configuring Part 2 .
See the word privelages. The guy doesn’t even proof the stuff he steals.
Great Tutorial by the way. I could see why people would like to copy it.
I’d send the info to this guy. He is or was the idiots faculty advisor:
Prof. Yoshiyasu Takefuji
Email: or
Keio University,
Faculty of Environmentral Information
5322 Endo, Fujisawa
2520816 JAPAN
Fax: +81-466-47-5041
Thanks lissener and barker, I’m going to contact all these people, as soon as I hear back from my dad, and I’ll post regular updates. And thanks for the comments, barker I’m aware of the typos, they were fixed months ago, which means he copied it a looong time ago.
Holy FUCKING shit, dude! I don’t know whether to laugh at the level of stupidity this took (love the "I would appreciate any questions, comments, critiques, grammatical corrections, typo notices, or death
threats at " bit) or offer to help you catch this sniveling vomitous mass of burned shit.
BTW, great tutorial. As someone who’s semi tech-literate . . . but not enough to do this on my own . . . good job.
What recourse does one have on the net when someone steals your HTML or custom designed images? I’ve seen a lot of theft off of my largest website, with people even using MY images on pirated/bootleg videos.
Hey, would anybody have a problem if, rather than letting these people steal your web-based material like this, I just created a program whereby online users could, um, “share” copyrighted HTML and other Web material with each other?