After a few months of thought, employing my meager imagination to chart as many possibilities as possible I have decided what to major in college as! And as such, what to do with my life ahead of me.
I have to admit that I have no real talent in anything. Average is the word to best describe everything about me. Average looks, average height, intelligence, average skills at everything.
Some are born, and I guess how they are raised dictate what they are good at. Some play sports from an early age, and aquire some modicum of skill at that sport. Some are good with figures, and facts, and grow up to be great mathmaticians and scientists. Some aquire remarkable grammar and spelling skills at an early age, and grow up as writers, journalists and authors.
Myself? Nothing. I didn’t play sports, I did poorly at school, I didn’t even grow up a good christian like my parents wanted me to. I read often, that is about all. Unfortunately I have piss poor grammar. I have often been told this, so I know it is true. My spelling is sub-human as well- downright Cro-magnan.
In spite of this, I have decided to choose-
English Major.
Unfortunately the community colleges around here do not have Associates degrees in English, so I will have to take single classes.
Why a community college? Well, my grades in school were, well, pathetic, so a community college will give me some background to show to a university, and eventually a graduate school. (looking to get a Masters at minimum)
What I need to do now is look up what sort of classes I need to take at my community college so that I am assured they will transfer over. What I don’t know is what university I will eventually attend, due to my poor high school record, and I will probably have to take whatever university is gracious enough to accept me. Do all English programs require the same classes for graduation?
I know, many of you are no doubt looking at my post, judging me by my writing style, grammar, and syntax or whatnot, shaking your heads and “knowing” that I will never get anywhere in the field. Posh I say, I am capable of changing my heathen, poor grammar ways, and walking away a changed man. It certainly offeres more opportunity than my other “dreamjob” in Neurobiology or as a cognitive psychologist- I simply don’t have the analytical intelligence to do even moderately well in those fields.
Oh well, thought I would share this mundane, pointless stuff.