I've Finally Managed to Brainwash and Recruit Someone.

Sister CatRimbaud?

Just what sort of name is that?

that was the LAST polite word you will
EVER read on this board. Savor the sensation while it lasts.

Then, sit back & enjoy the fun.

Is an appreciation of beauty a function of the human soul?

Popping this back to the top, in hopes it’ll stay there long enough for her to find it.

Helping Chris keep this at the top… :slight_smile:

Thank you all for the warm welcome to the Pit of Despair. I look forward to spanking…er speaking to each of you in the future.
As to Chris’ goddess-like status, I am already well aware. I do appreciate the reminders anyway. I am glad to see that someone else appreciates her, given that Neo never wakes up to notice. :slight_smile:
Anyway, please be gentle with me…I am inexperienced and bruise so very easily. If you must flame me, don’t forget that I like to be toasted lightly first, then flipped before my hair catches.
Okay. I am leaving now. This is really too long for a simple thanks for the welcome response. Nuff said. Thanks for the welcome.

“One evening I pulled Beauty down on my knees.
I found her embittered and I cursed her.”
–Excerpt from Une Saison en Enfer
–A. Rimbaud

A woman after my own heart…

Nice name, nice sig line, nice fetishistic opening.

We might become friends if you’re not careful. BTW, have you ever tried the Paul Schmidt translation? It has always appealed to me.

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

Hello, I am your host: Baron Von Frankenstien Reincarnate!

I have created a monster and her name is ChrisCTP, in my blatant disregard for human life I unwittingly informed her of this message board! Now she is attempting to multiply by infecting others with the virus of this board!! While this board is highly addictive, it is safe, unlike smoking crack, which there are times I believe she has done. Now all the innocents of this board will pay for my sins! I am sorry that you all are destined to be sarifices…

Oh and as for CatRimbaud,

Yeah, I would do her.

Catr,welcome!You seem to take to this like a cat to water1 :wink: I like ya already! Watch out for a guy called Phaedrus! :o

We are on an irreversible path to democracy and freedom. But that could change-Dan Quayle

Hope no one minds, but rather than start my own thread in a simila5r veinI’d like to point out someone I talked into coming here: Sunset Lightening.

He’s spent most of his time as the yeti in Guy Stuff, but he’s branching out.


Welcome cat, i believe I already bumped into you in the chat room, but just taking a moment to increase the total number of my postings by 1.

How do you like that! And without so much as a “Kiss my foot” or “Have an apple”!