I've got me a convert! Come on in and say hi to World_Traveler

Welcome aboard, World_Traveler!

Welcome, World_Traveler! Have fun, and play safe. :slight_smile:

There were two?

Shit. My world is crumbling around me like stale oatmeal cookies.

I hope you don’t mind cyber hugs.

----:)/ x o x o x

Or spider kisses.

Rabble rouser? Where did anyone get that idea from. I just like to engage in dispassionate and rational discussions with an educated and informed group. Am I in the wrong place?

On THIS board? Hint: Chique told us 87 time sin the original post (OP) you were single… send this man to Manny in GD. We ain’t serious here. Welcome aboard, anyway.

Welcome, welcome welcome! Glad you’re here!

Have a seat and flirt awhile. (Hey, I am the Dean of the Flirting Academy, aren’t I? :wink: ) Glad to have you here amongst the other addicts! Look forward to seeing your name for a long, long time.

Welcome aboard, World_Traveler! Any friend of chique’s is a friend of ours, and all that. So, I take it you’re single? :wink: That can only be a good thing here. You know, with all of the sex-starved, horny women on this board.

No, no, I’m talking about the rest of them, not me! I’ve never had that problem, not ever. Nope, not me. I’m not a big flirt, I don’t go in for that sort of thing.

[sup]Wonder how long he’ll actually buy that line…[/sup]
Anyway, welcome to the nuthouse. Any military men are most definitely welcome around here. Especially when you’re in uniform. Or naked. :smiley:

You’re right, Spidey, I sure do hope he likes hugs, since he’s liable to get a lot of them from the likes of you and me and…oh, most every other female on here. :wink:
