But never saw a picture of it till now… :eek:
So I went huntingfor more pics :eek: :eek:
and suddenly they… were everywhere
But never saw a picture of it till now… :eek:
So I went huntingfor more pics :eek: :eek:
and suddenly they… were everywhere
Truly, you don’t know what you’re missing. Mmmm… poutine…
Oh, man alive. I’d kill for some poutine right now. Those pictures looked goood.
I know I’m going to regret this. But I have to know.
Aside from gravy and french fries…what IS it?
One of these days, I have to go back to Canada, if only to eat poutine one more time before I die. I haven’t had any for eight years. Now I’m in a place where the concept of gravy on French fries is totally alien, and to put cheese curds in it, too, well, call the guys in the white coats.
Gravy and french fries. With cheese curds. And it’s really, really good.
I was right. That sounds hideous.
cheese curds? and GRAVY? ew. Just ew.
Oh. Health food. Rats.
I said the same thing…until I tried it. Pure, unadulterated, ambrosia.
Well, the odd time when I’m drunk I’ll get a gravy cheesey chip (french fries, gravy and melted cheddar cheese). I assume it is similar.
Pretty much. Poutine isn’t always with cheese curds, though you could say that’s the traditional way of making it. Some of the pizza places around here make it with mozarella instead…drools I could so go for some right now.
It’s so not good for you, but it’s so, so good.
Being a Southern Boy, when I’ve heard it described I’ve always pictured it with milk gravy. It never occured to me it would be brown gravy. I bet it’d be better with a good sausage gravy instead of nasty brown gravy.
Finished cheese, esp. mozzarella, is a reasonable substitute but it’s really not as good as gravy; commercial cheese doesn’t melt quite the same way. Fact is, though, cheese curds are not as readily available as regular cheese, and when you’ve got a hankering for poutine, there’s no time to be picky.
Also, it ideally should be French Canadian-style chicken gravy, very thick. Beef gravy’s not bad, but not ideal.
You can make it with any gravy you please. I like turkey gravy, myself, and chicken gravy is awesome. I’m not fond of beef gravy on mine.
Mmmm. Curds.
What the heck are cheese ‘curds’.?
It’s like cheese before you press it into blocks. And not aged. Natural cheese. Mmmm.
It didn’t help that I at first misread the word “curds”.
Oh yeah, great stuff. I just discovered it about a year ago when we first went skiing in Whistler, B.C. The perfect aprés ski meal!
This is one of the cruelest threads I’ve ever opened. Here I am, 30 minutes before my lunch break, and you all taunt me with mouth-watering pictures of poutine, which I hazard to guess is not available anywhere within 1,000 miles of here.
Time to start planning my annual Canada vacation…