James Otto Sweet Heart and Damning Suicides to Hell

Hold em up here, you claim to be a Christian. How can you justify your actions and be a follower of Jesus? You did a horrible and hateful thing, have you asked for forgiveness?

“let he who is without sin cast the first stone”


^^^ Why should I be sorry for standing up for what I believe in?

James did say “I love you.” to me. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

That is up to who is in charge of this place.

God bless you two and them and James always!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


P.S. Yeah James actually said “I love you.” to me and to be honest I wasn’t expecting it. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Yes, I said “I love you too.” in return. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

'Cause your God said to turn the other cheek? What exactly do you think that means?


You don’t love James Otto. You don’t even know him. And what you know of him is not nearly enough to know you love him. James Otto knows even less about you than what you know about him, and what he does know of you, he knows you are an obsessive fan. He does not love you. He did not tell you he loves you. He would never tell you he loves you. And you do not love him.

I think you should talk to your pastor about this and ask for his guidance on what he thinks God would want for you to do from now on with respect to Mr. Otto.

I also think you need to firmly reassess what the word love means.

^^^ James did say “I love you.” to me, whether you believe it or not.

I don’t believe that the Lord died for us so that people could have their way with others.

God bless you and James always!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


OK, literally every single Google link that I could find that led to a page where James Otto was mentioned and comments were enabled, our resident stalker was there in the comments, harassing anyone who said anything even marginally negative about the object of her obsession.

This is beyond creepy.


^^^ The word is spelled T-R-O-L-L. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

As long as I have a right to say something in return, I will. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

God bless you and James always!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


What does that mean?

And seriously, do you not understand that Jesus was not a spewer of hate and vitrol? How can you justify what you said that got you pitted and still call yourself a follower of “The Prince of Peace”?


God saw what you did to yourself that night. He saw and you did not ask for forgiveness. I hope you enjoy the eternal flames, you grisette, you trull, you quean.

Wow, this remind me of something I hadn’t thought of in a while. When I was a teenager and heavily involved in church and the youth group, our friend hung herself. When our youth pastor found out and was talking to all us kids about it, he said “and now she’s in hell and the devil is laughing at her”.


Can you imagine saying that to a group of kids who just lost a friend to suicide??

Ya think???

Yes, an utter strumpet.*

Or a nutter strumpet, perhaps.

As a slow convert to Christianity ( by way of Judaism and Quakerism ), I might offer this.

People who believe what that person believes will wind up in an eternity of their own construct. If there is a sense of eternal Justice, then their Hell will be thinking they wound up in the righteusly deserved Heaven, surrounded by those not worthy. By their standards. And since humans die on this planet at an alarming rate per hour, that person’s Hell will be revisiting the UNworthiness of all of those who wind up in their percieved Heaven.

Putz. I am continuously appalled at the behaviors of “Christians” that are so UnChristian.


How To Increase Your Word Power.


It means that the Lord didn’t die so that we could be attacked by other people. He died so that we could decide for ourselves how we want to live.

And what got me “pitted” are my beliefs and if they get me “pitted” at other forums, oh well. I am not changing them. If you are not going to change yours, don’t go expecting other people to change the ones that they have.

There wasn’t anything wrong with me telling him “I love you too.” in return. The Lord does say to love everyone does he not. Even if he didn’t, I wouldn’t tell someone to go suck an egg after they said “I love you.” to me.

God bless you two and James always!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Do you not see the Mac-truck sized irony in this statement?

Holly, I really think you should seek guidance from your church pastor or fellowship. I think you should show them your online history, including the posts on this thread and every other Otto-related article or forum.

Are you sure? I like the idea of a Jesus who died so that Drew could roger his boyfriend up the bum.

God bless your bumhole always!!!