As I watch the news you see a lot of the Afghans and Pakastanis using the wireless phones. They look like cell phones (maybe they aren’t)
But how hard would it be for America to Jam them so the Afghanis couldn’t use them to coordinate their defense.
Seems like they depend a lot on wireless things.
I’d be surprised if they used repeaters and standard UHF radios, I’d agree that they use cellular technology.
You wanna cut 'em off and make ‘em miserable in the Khyber Pass, dont’ bomb the people. Get the countries that OWN the satellites that support the cellular systems to cut off the frequencies used by them.
And, since it’s VERY easy to locate them, bomb all of the cellular towers. And when they are re-built, re-bomb them.
If ya can’t talk, ya can’t organize.