January 6th Hearing-Adjacent Discussion Thread

Okay, I am going to paste this here in this thread because it would be wildly off topic in the genuine thread (although the discussion of wrestling mats and going to the mattresses seems a bit off topic as well).

If I would have thought of it sooner, I would have raised it during the Cassidy Hutchinson Hearing portion of the thread because it is her testimony that proves (or at least strongly supports) the claims that I made in this completely unrelated thread as absolutely true. In this thread:

I made the claim that if people (specifically people of faith had to watch Donald J. Trump conducting his everyday activities – they would be disgusted by him and stop supporting him. (I also claimed, more or less, that observing Biden in a similar manner might be boring but would not be repulsive. Based upon what the January 6th Committee Hearings have revealed, and adding what other former White House staff have added on cable news shows, I believe these claims are vindicated.

Trump flinging his food against the wall might be shocking the first time you witness it, but would not necessarily be enough to turn hard core Trumpers away from him. However, testimony and other eye witness accounts have assured us that ketchup running down the walls was not a one time, isolated event. If his staff and co-workers could not stand his antics – I have to wonder how sincere believers who USED to believe the former president was America’s salvation and God’s own appointed leader for these times would react to what we now know to be an accepted and standard manner of proceeding. I literally only know overtly religious supporters of Trump, but I think if almost any of his supporters knew what was really going on they would have been . . . disapproving. Below is the entire OP:

I wish that I had the power to compel all those ‘conservative’ Evangelical voters (not just the dozens or more related to me) to spend one week of all waking hours observing Trump in everything he does – and then having all those same voters do the same with Biden.

I sincerely believe Trump’s hard core unshakable supporters would fall from 39-42% to about 19-22% of voters. I further believe that all sincere believers would abandon Trump by the end of that week and most would do so before two days are up. The ones who remain would be the (am I coining this phrase?) “Secular Christians” who believe they were born Christian the way they were born white. Non-practicing and insincere with no belief system other than if there is a god he loves him some good ol’ USA!!!

In the case of Biden, I would have to assure many of the ones I know they would not have to watch the parts where he and his friends either rape babies and children or drink their blood. In both cases they would be flies on the wall who could observe without being observed. They would neither be allowed nor forced to spend any time in Mike Pence’s hair under any circumstances.

I know they should be able to deduce these things – and if they are not swayed by what has happened so far, nothing can sway them. But I believe if they had firsthand knowledge – they would have to believe it no matter what Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and all the others say.

Holy S**t! Rush Limbaugh was still alive then! I will amend my prediction to this:
If Republican Trump supporters watched every minute of the Select Committee Hearings his rating would fall to about 20% give or take, and if those same people were actually in the room personally his positives would be less than ten percent (maybe less than five percent).