Janx tilts his tiny glass at Cecil…

Dear Cecil Adams,

You do not know it, but I have been an ardent fan of this column since, oh, 1983 or so.
I was a silly one then. Just out of high school. But the one thing I got out of the columns was some essential truths with regard to: How to debate. Sight your sources, be witty and not just a bit condescending - so as to make the judges see things your way. The facts are always incontrovertible,
the other side can look them up for themselves if the wish.

Unfortunately, public school never taught me this stuff, so after some years of reading your books and columns, (In Santa Barbara we would wait for the Independent to come out so we could read it aloud in the living room), I applied this “style” – mostly honest research, with facts, observation, and not just a small amount of wit to my college career – I did well in school. I was the only one in three generations to get a college diploma. (Yae!). I credit YOUR column, with how to present an “A” paper. Mostly any way.

I notice the message boards taking a direction that sometimes does not support the purpose of the column, that is too bad – but that is the way it goes. I also realize that with the event of the Internet, when Cecil speaks – he is under a hell of a microscope.

I just wanted to let – whoever is Cecil these days - know that the board doesn’t make a hell of a lot of difference. It’s the column. It’s the Persona of “The Cecil” and “Unca’ Cec” that I watch for. It/he/she/ made a, big, huge, difference in my life over the last 20 plus years.


Thank you Cecil. Glad to know your spirit is alive and well – even after all these years, because I owe you BIG TIME!


P.S. Nix on telling me to send you an un-marked envelope. I said I was happy. NOT rich!

Janx, I directed Cecil’s attention to your post, but I don’t know whether he’ll respond or not. Ed, however, did say that your comments are the kind that make it all worthwhile.

That’s OK ** C K Dexter Haven **. Honestly? I was not fishing for a reply. That was just something I have wanted to get off my chest for a good long time. Give credit where credit where credit is due, and all.

That’s OK ** C K Dexter Haven **. Honestly? I was not fishing for a reply. That was just something I have wanted to get off my chest for a good long time. Give credit where credit where credit is due, and all.


Sheesh. Did I do that?

No, it was the hamsters, they get a sugar high off posts like that. :smiley:

Pleased to be of service, bud.

See, customer service on these boards is just fine.

Oh My GOD! No. No… Wait. I’m going to be really cool about this.

Really. Watch.

That was cool.

The one who wrote all those columns, who said all that stuff, who taught me how to kill cockroaches, debate with my professors – and still show up on Monday morning just said HI! - to ME?


Way too cool.

I will not gloat. I will not make a fuss, nor put it in my “sig line”. Because if I know unca Cece – he just had the floors waxed and wouldn’t want me to snivel.

I am however, really very happy that I know he saw it!

Soooo… ?

Cecil Adams – after 30 odd years, well, he still has a lot of class.

Who am I to muck that up ?


:: quietly seethes with envy ::

:: chokes down jealous tears ::

:: gulps, extends handshake of congratulations ::

May I… may I touch the hem of your garment?

:: flees before feelings overwhelm her ::

And you were so cool and collected at Swampfest last night! You didn’t brag or anything, (or did you, and I didn’t hear it? Rock and Roll, you know.)
I did notice a shimmering light around your head, but sun shining through the rain does that all the time.
I am honored to have supped within that reflected Cecillight, if only for a few moments. :cool:

Truth be known ** picunurse ** I didn’t brag because I didn’t know about Cecil’s reply untill I got home about 4am this morning. Or I probably would have mentioned it in an off hand sort of way.

About a thousand times.


It’s OK, Janx…He’s just zis guy, you know?

Are you insinuating something here, Janx? Because if you’re trying to say that Cecil isn’t really Cecil, then you’re gonna get a good scolding from Miz Ruby.

The true believers believe that there is and only has been one Cecil. Real guy. Puts his pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us.

To think any other way is pure blasphemy. :wink:

Oh, you know what I meant!

You know, that’s one of those things that really should have occurred to me before now…
