In Japan, cats are good luck. When a train station ran on hard times, they hired a cat as station master. Here’s the adorable story:
I was rendered incoherent with cute for the first 3 minutes after clicking that link.
That’s one smart kitty-cat; she must’ve gotten the memo that she was about to be homeless, because I’ve never seen a cat willingly allow something to rest on its head for any length of time.
That aside, I want to pet her to death! What a nice fuzzy story!
Ah Mr. Conductor!
Excuse me!
Here, give me your chin… :: a choo-cha choo-cha choo-cha ::
What a sweet conductor.
Well, not quite a kitty, but…
Cat food? Pshaw. They ought to be feeding her sashimi.
I can’t believe it hasn’t been pointed out that’s no tabby. That’s a calico!
Tama, meet Rambo, the taxi cat.
He doesn’t wear a hat, but I bet he makes up for it with tips.
Could be a trend. There was a cat wandering around the platform of the Shinkansen in Kyoto this afternoon. I have never, ever seen an animal inside a JR station before.
(My friend and I were theorizing that it had to do with some rather gory red splotches on the front of a train on an adjacent track.)
What happens if stationmaster kitty spots tasty animals on the trackbed just as an express comes through? :eek:
Should have named the cat Skimbleshanks, surely.