Japanese students science project shot down?

Japanese students from Tirami School were devastated to learn their science project may have been shot down over the US or Canada. The balloon carried 2 hamsters, a guinea pig and a baby stoat. All were doing well and were headed for a controlled landing at their sister school in Muskumquat, Saskatchewan when it suddenly stopped sending adorable videos of the carefree “balloonaughts”.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police credited with the hit were a bit taken aback at the news. “Sure, our .303 Enfield rifles seldom hit any targets at 30,000 feet but we volleyed anyway”.

Is that the cylindrical object shot down over the Yukon?


Please add a more explicit indication that this is a joke, or a source if you mean people to take it seriously.


Puzzlegal, sure it’s a joke. I was going to wait until April Fools Day but figured the topic would be nearly forgotten by then. Or not - how many of these things are there?

Thanks. It would have been a good april fool’s day post. :wink: I assumed it was a joke, but got some questions.

I was going to ask what they ate and drank in transit. Indeed, what kept them warm.

And I was going to ask how they cleared this with Canadian Customs.

Does NOT have a good beat, you CAN’T dance to it. I give it a zero.

Well, the stoat had hamsters to eat, which meant the hamsters didn’t need anything to eat. Not sure about the guinea pig.

I missed the stoat.

I can’t speak for the stoat, but the hamsters kept warm with coats made from guinea pig hides. And that made one less mouth to feed.

Actually, I have it from a reliable source that they found little green men inside but are afraid of alarming the public. You heard it here first and last .

Have you any information to tell us of future events, Sir?

This might not be the best time to tie some weather balloons to your lawn chair and go for a ride.

“Japanese students” my ass. Alien shapeshifters dressed as Japanese students, more like.

The first aviation (balloon) passengers ever were a sheep, a rooster, & a duck…seriously!

Whatever floats your stoat.

I’m pretty sure this was an episode of “Hammy Hamster”.

Can we please have a moment of silence for Nibbles, Hammy, Abby, and Weezy?