Jaws and Jurassic Park

Thoroughly enjoyed both movies. Jaws, to me, is vastly superior.

Others have touched on the reason I like it better – character development. There are dozens of wonderful character moments in the film, while Jurassic Park focuses more on special effects. Scenes like Martin making faces with his son; Hooper getting mad at Quint and acting juvenile, even as he’s climbing a ladder out of the scene; the aforementioned dialogue around the table which culminates in the Indianapolis monologue; Martin researching sharks at his house while his wife tells him he’s overreacting, then when she sees a drawing of a shark attacking a boat in one of the books, she yells at the kids to get out of the boat like their father told them to; the shark-cage discussion between Quint and Hooper; Hooper’s interruption of the town meeting; crushing the can and the cup; the brief dialogue between Hooper and Quint when they both realize they’re up against something they’ve never experienced before; Hooper exhorting Martin to go out on the bow of the boat so he can have some scale in his photo, and Martin adamantly refusing in disbelief …

And the dialogue! Geez, there are multiple classic lines in that film. The aforementioned (and iconic) “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” But so many others:

Martin: “I can do anything. I’m the chief of police.”
(Hooper, trying to show off a scar, unbuttons his shirt, exposing a hairy chest.) Martin, offcamera: “You’re wearing a sweater.”
The Mayor (to Hooper, as they talk about the size of the shark): “You’d love to prove that, wouldn’cha? Get your name in the National Geographic?”
Quint: (paraphrased) “You all know me. Know what I do for a livin’. This shark … swallow ya whole. Three thousand dollars, chief? I value my hide a lot more than three thousand dollars. I’ll find your shark for three. But I’ll catch him – and kill him – for ten.”
Quint (to Hooper): “You go in the cage … cage goes in the water … shark’s in the water. Our shark.” Slow smile, then singing: “Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies …”
Hooper: “Mayor, we’re talking about a miracle of evolution … an eating machine. All this thing does, is swim, and eat, and make baby sharks.”
The Mayor (to Martin, after the shark attacks on the Fourth of July): “MY kids were on that beach, too.”

Man. How can you not love that movie?

Someone up there posted to the effect that Jaws works so well because of what we cannot see, not because of what we are shown.

I’ll extrapolate that good thought a bit, and blend it with something I hinted at already. Jaws is about that which we cannot see but know absolutely to be real-life. Jurassic Park is about that which we wish was real but are shown anyway, in the hopes that we buy into it- even though we patently know it is not real-life.

There is no leap of faith that can reproduce primal fear of death from a creature that you know full well can kill you. And, a few times a year ( 14 year old girl, just a few weeks ago… ) does kill humans.

There’s verisimilatude. Then there’s Jaws.

And there is the primal fear of the water. I mean, while we’re swimming, just what the hell IS down there? Could be anything.

I have heard that damn music in my head while wreck-diving, believe me…

Scared the shit out of myself! :smiley:

Then again, there are at least two great white sharks that live off the beaches I swim & bodysurf at, and neither has ever attacked a swimmer. One did come into the mouth of Newport Harbor to gnaw on a whale corpse but that was a few years ago. I am not afraid of being bitten.

Two great reviews for Jaws, mentions all the little details.
