Jay Leno injured again {2023-01-27}

IANAL either, but I suspect that since the private property is a parking lot it might be considered a public accommodation, and the owner has to assume motorists might use it to park in unless they specifically put up gates and signs to keep people out. An unmarked cable that you can’t see until it’s too late does not a gate make.

Private property or not, surely it’s expected that people might drive within a parking lot—and not just to cut across it. You might be turning around. Or, you know, actually parking there to use the establishment.

The question now becomes…

…is the Indian OK?

My brother’s broken his collarbone three or four times.

But how old was he when he broke them? It takes a great deal longer to heal when you are 72.

Heh, the last time he was in his early sixties, and it was the worst. I think his age did have something to do with that.

Most people with active life styles eventually reach a point in life where falls they used to shake off become serious.

I think more now about what’s important. I enjoy bike rides on rural roads. 15 to 20 miles is a good workout.

I can’t do what I enjoy if I get busted up doing something stupid on a neighbors skateboard.

The last time we had snow, I saw people sliding down the hill on cardboard. Looked like fun for anyone under 30. I was tempted but that’s not worth the rehab afterwards.

A bit more info on the m/c crash, in his own words, and some images of the m/c (should be cued up):