Jay Leno injured again {2023-01-27}

Motorcycle accident this time. Broken bones.

… and suffered a broken collarbone, two broken ribs and two cracked kneecaps.

He’s apparently indestructible so…I hope the bike’s OK.

Jay Leno is a national treasure. His knowledge of cars, bikes, trucks, and steam powered machinery is substantial and hands on. I love his videos.

Doesn’t sound too serious, fortunately. Leno’s a good guy with a fascinating hobby, though I never realized it included two-wheelers. I was once an avid motorcycle fan and owner.

Ow ow ow, that’s going to smart. Posting from experience.

Scene: Conan O’Brien’s basement. The former host sits at an exact replica of his Tonight Show desk, a crumpled newspaper article regarding Leno’s latest “accident” lying at his feet.

“That’s twice now you’ve escaped my carefully laid plans, Leno. Don’t think you’ll survive a third!”

It’s time that Leno step back from riding motorcycles. He’s 72 and doesn’t have the same reflexes or ability to heal.

Before I even read the article I was thinking “Knowing Jay, he wasn’t riding just some run of the mill Harley. It was probably like a 1930-something Indian or something.” Then I read the story:

he had been testing out a 1940 Indian motorcycle

Ok, so I had the wrong decade, but I was close.

I was going to sarcastically answer “I hope the bike’s ok” with, “Yeah, it was probably an Indian.”

Don’t blame Conan O’Brien. Nice guy, good family guy, great guy.

I imagine Jay Leno narrating his escapades to a camera in a Super Dave voice.

From the article in the OP:

That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

He better watch out, they say bad things comes in threes.

Putting up a wire (across a driveway) that drivers can’t see is extremely hazardous and illegal.

…who is also a true crime aficionado. Why, just today I was listening to his podcast “Conan O’Brien Needs a Fan” in which he was talking to a crime scene investigator, discussing his thoughts and ideas for committing the perfect murder. Coincidence, I wonder…?

Leno is just lucky that Conan has clearly decided on the ‘Voodoo doll’ method, which, while clearly not as effective as the direct method, judging by the two failed attempts, it has the advantage of being very difficult to pin on O’Brien. Don’t get on Conan’s bad side!

You mean a parking lot? And, is it automatically illegal? My old train station parking lot had cables to demarcate parking rows…I’m just trying to imagine what the wire was.

there are no reflexes involved if there’s an unmarked cord across your path. He’s lucky it didn’t take his head off.

It was unmarked so the responsible party is liable. Basically it’s invisible and an extreme hazard to someone on a bicycle or motorcycle.

But it appears to be private property that Leno was cutting across, possibly illegally. I have no idea if that is a mitigating factor.

I understand civil liability, I’m asking about legality.

IANAL but I believe it’s illegal to set up a trap to catch trespassers on your property. This wire across the entrance to the private lot sounds like it should similarly be illegal.