Jazz Vocalist Jon Hendricks has died

An innovative, supple voice that he did wonderful things with. Here he is as part of the legendary vocal trio Lambert Hendricks and Ross: Lambert, Hendricks & Ross - Four LIVE 1961 - YouTube

Thank you, Mr Hendricks.

When I first discovered jazz as a teenager, one of my favorite songs was Thelonious Monk’s “In Walked Bud,” with Hendricks singing and scatting.

We were supposed to see him this year, but he cancelled because of his health. Sorry to see another great go to that combo in the sky.

Oh yeah. I remember how cool I felt when I realized they were talking about the jazz scene and Bud is Bus Powell, pianist who died too young.

I loved it when Bobby McFerrin recruited The Manhattan Transfer to do an acapella version of Night in Tunisia and Hendricks provided a vocal break in his great “vocalese” style.

Jon starts about 1:45 in.

I was fortunate enough to see him perform twice, once with Annie Ross. The other time, his extended family was seated at the table next to ours, and Jon spent a lot of time explaining the nuances of the opening act to his little grandson. Seemed like a great guy.

Sorry news. I love Lambert, Hendricks, and Ross.

How sad. I had just been introduced to Hendricks and Ross via an biography of Joni Mitchell I read over the holiday weekend. I will still look up their recorded work, but regret missing the opportunity to hear them live.