Jeb Bush campaign for POTUS thread

Democrats probably have an advantage with low-information citizens, but that’s not the same as an advantage with low-information voters, since most low-information folks don’t vote. Democrats have a broader base, but Republicans are better at mobilizing their base.

His track record on education, yet. See here.

Yeah, well, the GOP’s main base appears to be Tea Partiers these days. High-information voters/citizens they ain’t.

Right, they’re low-information folks who do vote, like I said.

I watched some of his announcement, only because I also live in Florida and they just assume that we care what he does and my TV was on a local station. Rubio didn’t even get as much press when he announced and he currently holds a political office in this state. Anyway, I laughed the hardest at his comment that he wasn’t one of the “pampered Washington elite”, just because he doesn’t live in Washington doesn’t mean he doesn’t qualify as pampered Washington elite - unless he just meant he wasn’t swaddled in Pampers, his mom used Huggies. He must continue to delude himself into thinking that he won his first gubernatorial election on something other than his family name. He doesn’t put his last name on his campaign posters not because he doesn’t want people to think he’s running on his name, everyone knows full well he’s a Bush, he just wants them to know which one he is.

I also realized that everything he was saying could easily be said by any other candidate in any other party. Basically, it was all soundbyte bullshit.

Sorry that wasn’t clear in my original post. I think what’s different in a Clinton vs. Bush race is the names. The Clinton brand is better. Clinton had a more successful presidency than either Bush, and a much much more successful presidency than the more recent Bush who was there for 8 years. To a low-information voter, the question will boil down to which administration would I rather relive, Clinton’s or Bush’s (where the latter will be some mashed up amalgam of both Bushes, with Jr. constituting somewhere north of 70% of the weight based on recency and tenure.)

Sure, some low-information voters will still decide Bush because of abortion or guns or whatever, but the success of the Clinton economy will weigh heavily with quite a few.

I really don’t know who the Hell Jeb! thinks he’ll appeal to. Nobody looks back fondly on the presidency of his brother W, and only some people have fond memories of Bush 41. Like another poster said, peoples’ opinion of Jeb! will be an amalgamation of the past two Bush administrations, which are (basically) universally derided.

Clinton doesn’t have the same problem because the Clinton brand is worlds better than the Bush fiasco.

Pretty sure he stole the exclamation point from Lamar! Alexander’s old posters. We all know how well that worked.

Offhand, I’d say Republican establishment types who aren’t sure if they would be comfortable with Rubio, think Perry’s a dunce, that Santorum and Walker couldn’t win, dislike Paul’s lack of saber-rattling, etc. I’m not seeing anyone else whom the moneyed class is going to trust.

Jeb says . . . something . . . about Social Security. :confused:

This is golden.

Apparently there are just a lot of things that Jeb! does not know.

Well, he kind of has this one on climate change partially right …

“I’m a skeptic. I’m not a scientist. I think the science has been politicized.”

He’s definitely not a scientist and it has been politicized but not by actual scientists.

Jeb! takes a stand on American religious diversity and tolerance, following the latest mass shooting:

I did not know much about Jeb other than what I had read. Had not really seen him to any extent. I was told, for instance, that he’s “the smart one”. That he’s the guy who should have been carrying the torch for his family.

But I’m finding him nothing but underwhelming. He looks tired. He has no charisma. And he wasn’t prepared to answer the question about his brother and Iraq? Really???

Maybe he’s just getting started and we haven’t seen the real fireball yet, but so far he’s a big YAWN for me.

That’s kind of refreshing, in a way. His brother thought he knew lots of things and look how that turned out.

His brother was cocksure about anything and everything. I’d prefer a guy who admits that he doesn’t know than one who never does so. To be fair to Jeb, these are cherry picked items and there are probably more quotes where he does indeed voice an opinion.

They might be cherry-picked, but that list does have the links to articles that gives the context for those quotes, and they don’t generally help.

But it’s true you could probably make a list like that for a lot of politicians. I’ve certainly heard many say “I’m not a scientist” in order to dance around the issue about global warming.

Leaked emails between Jeb Bush and his campaign logo designer:

What about them? What can you tell me to encourage me to click on a website I’ve never heard of and don’t know if I can trust?

Christie is in! :slight_smile: