Jeb Bush campaign for POTUS thread


It’s a humor piece. My roof hasn’t fallen in since I clicked on the link.

Today in Iowa, Bush said “taking out Saddam Hussein turned out to be a pretty good deal.” He then goes on to say that the war was essentially won until Obama assed everything up.

In terms of campaign strategy, I’m of two minds on this.

On one hand, I get what Bush is trying to do. Doubling down on the myth of the surge is (as Paul Pillarwrites) a twofer for Republicans, and maybe even a threefer for Bush. A twofer because it allows the GOP to simultaneously downplay the strategic folly of the war itself and to pin the rise of ISIS on Obama. And it’s a threefer for Bush because it allows him to deal specifically with the liability of being named “Bush.” So, the more Bush gets on the offensive regarding Iraq and Obama’s alleged role in bungling it, maybe the better for him.

On the other hand… seriously? The knock on Bush all along is that people would associate him with the unmitigated disaster of his brother’s presidency. The question was always, “Will he be more like his father or more like his brother?” Adopting a stance of unflinching dead-endism on Iraq hardly seems the way to shake that off. But then, I’m not a GOP primary voter and maybe none of this will matter in the general.

Taking out Saddam was an excellent idea; staying in Iraq was not.

Jeb Bush? Oh, I remember that guy, he used to be running for president. Whatever happened to him?

From there, an article on Black Lives Matter indicates a pleasant and mutually respectful meeting between them and Hilary Clinton, with an open dialogue of mutual advice and mutual understanding.
A different approach to that they are taking with Mr. Sanders and Mr. O’Malley. And now to Jeb rallies.
These things are almost choreographed.
Black Lives Matter Arrives on Hillary Clinton’s Doorstep

His father was not well-regarded during his tenure, but his progeny’s disastrousness did repair his image by comparison later.

The latest one might as well change his logo from Jeb! to W2! if this is how he’s going to play it. But seriously, this is something you have a short but good answer prepared for, just like for when a job interviewer says “Tell me about yourself”. He’s still struggling with something so basic.

Not true.

George H.W. Bush’s overall average approval rating was 60.9%, higher than any other modern Presidents except for Eisenhower and Kennedy.

He lost.

GHWB’s approval rating soared to very high levels after the first Gulf War. His “overall average approval rating” reflects that, but, as Elvis1ves notes, it wasn’t enough to win him a second term in 1992.

Elvis was wrong. He stated that President Bush wasn’t well regarded during his tenure. That is not a true statement, regardless of the 1992 election results.

It’s inaccurate to say he wasn’t well-regarded, though.

Today I heard parts of a report on Jeb on the radio and wasn’t sure I heard it right. It sounded like Jeb was saying if he were elected he’d send troops back into Iraq. I wanted to check with the wisdom of the dope as that sounded too stupid even for Jeb. Is he really committing to sending troops back to that mess?

So why do you think he lost?

What I heard is that he wants to send in spotters. Not sure how many he meant.

I think he is now in his outdoing Trump mode, very smart in an effort to win the primaries, very stupid for the general election if he manages to become the candidate.

What I want to know is whether it’s ¡Jeb! with a Spanish *j *or Jeb! with an English j.

In the sense that a rusty butter knife has a better track record as a screwdriver than does a lump of soft cheese.

Just call him John Bush. The B in “Jeb” is redundant.

Ftr, I love the idea that two of Jeb’s main foreign policy advisers are George Bush and Paul Wolfowitz. What could possibly go wrong.

It really helps understand how the dynastic thing works, if the plan by the moneid vested interests is to install a continuation - a ‘safe pair of hands’ - then of course you include senior members of previous administrations, as GWB did with Cheney, etc.

As could his father and brother, Jeb can be relied on to serve and make more prosperous the owners of capital.