She’s a good player…but wow…you wonder if she’s not really a robot or something.
That’s all.
She’s a good player…but wow…you wonder if she’s not really a robot or something.
That’s all.
I saw her Smile…TWICE…No, Really…I did…
I think.
She makes me yearn for the rollicking hilarity of David Madden.
She’s a Latin Teacher fer cryin’ out loud, you can’t expect levity.
We call her the “Humourless Bitch” at our house.
And yet she’s strangely pretty. In a robotic way.
Pic for those curious:
(They air J! at like 3;30 here, I’m not interested enough to record it)
I think she’s really nervous underneath that deadpan exterior. Does anyone else get that feeling? It seems like she’s mentally wringing her hands on some of the answers. But at least some display of emotion would be welcome.
While looking for the picure, I came across this:
I had the exact same thought watching the show yesterday. I was rooting against her but unfortunately she pulled out a win. This chick makes robots look emotional.
I find her kinda hot too, in a Dr. Lilith Sternin-Crane way.
Mmmmmm aloof, brainy women…
Definitely. She’s not aloof; she’s nervous, almost to the point of panic. You can often see that she’s breathing very fast and shallow when the game’s going. This is not a person comfortable in front of cameras.
Then again, who can blame her? She’s up to something like $111,000 now; that’s several years’ salary for a Latin teacher. I’d be nervous too.
Still, I miss Ken Jennings. What’s up with the plans for him to get his own TV show on Comedy Central, I wonder?
Oh yeah: Nervous or not, there’s no excuse for that haircut.
Robot-like? I hadn’t noticed; Maria seems normal to me. I like her.
Too bad she’s married. And has a kid.
I don’t like her either. In fact, yesterday was one of the worst episodes I can remember. I don’t usually think of there being “good” and “bad” episodes of Jeopardy!, but yesterday I didn’t like ANY of the contestants (Maria, the annoying Rhode Island guy, and the bartender girl – she was alright, actually, but I got weird vibes) and the categories sucked.
Yes, she seems very nervous. Still, she could show a bit of emotion. The two times I’ve seen her win, she looks more disappointed that she lost the extra money by getting the Final Jeopardy question wrong* than happy that she won. Yeesh.
*Anyone else surprised that none of them got John Lennon yesterday? It was the first thing that came to my mind.
My husband doesn’t like her, but I think she is just very nervous. I like her better than Smug Bastid (the last champ to stay on for a few weeks). Thanks for the quote from the MB, N9IWP. I imagine Kingslea knows her better than we do.
Oddly enough, that’s her little nickname in my house. Dad and I watch it together, so we don’t comment on her possible hotness.
My impression is that she’s just an extremely shy person. She seems to be almost terminally uncomfortable performing in public (other than teaching Latin).
And does anyone else hear a slight accent in her speech?
Those who’ve met her (over on the Jeopardy forum) say she’s very charming and personable and, yes, funny in person, totally unlike what we’re seeing on TV. And a good player, although that last Final Jeopardy bet left everyone scratching their head – who bets themselves out of a lock? My personal theory is that she’s either so stressed or so uncomfortable that she’s ready to go home, so that bet was a way of giving the second-place player a chance to take her out. I’d like to think it’s not that she was so nervous she simply couldn’t do the basic math.
Absolutely. Geeky-hot.
Her voice drives my wife crazy…I don’t care.