Jericho series premiere 9/20 (spoilers)

I thought it was a good start. It’ll be interesting to see how it pans out. We added it to the Tivo list.

I’ll be watching just so I can second-guess the survivors. I’ve planned for something like this for years. Let’s see how my plans stack up against theirs.

I found a streaming version here. Anybody got a download link?

I wasn’t sure what exactly to expect with Jericho, but after watching the pilot tonight, I was instantly hooked. It’s definitely going into my “can’t miss a single episode” list of shows.

According to Zap2It, the pilot will be rerun this Saturday on CBS at 7:00 PM central time (followed by the pilot for Smith, which seems like it could be a great show, and you should watch if you’re interested in heist shows).

The mayor’s speech was very annoying. My wife and I were commenting on how Nagan should have done that in the Superdome, “Don’t break my heart again”. Sheesh. Total crap. It will be interesting to see how the story develops and they learn more about what happened in the rest of the US. The phone message didn’t seem too realistic. Even with a ground burst, wouldn’t the EMP have fried the moms phone before the blast wave hit? Heat wave would probably have done a number on them also. No need to “come look at this” when the room is on fire.

I was wondering how long it would take the radioactive fallout to reach Jericho from the blast site, but evidently they’re covering that topic in the next ep.
Assuming no wind whatsoever, wouldn’t at least some of that radioactivity eventually make its way out from ground zero?

Worth at least a few more episodes, I think. Could be good if it focuses on the msytery/logistics/situation, rather than leaves everything a big secret and has lots of montages and character moments (ie, Lost in Kansas). I also definitely want scientific and logical consistency and accuracy.

Depends on which way the wind is blowing, if there are mountains between them and the blasts, etc…

I enjoyed it, but I’m also a sucker for the post-apocalypic stuff. And I forgot how cute Skeet Ulrich is. :slight_smile: I also like the fact that Mayor Dad didn’t really come around to him at the end.

Except I’m pretty sure there are no mountains between Denver and Kansas.

I watched last night, not sure how much I liked it, nothing really making me come back next week, plus that guy who came back and cut the girls throat, no one would learn that in military school. They could of at least said he was starting to go back to school to be a doctor. I might try again, but I’m not sure.

I thought it was meh. It didn’t suck me in, although the Atlanta reveal was a bit of a jaw-dropper.

So did the bus run out of gas or not? They were on empty, Heather was saying the kids would have to walk into town and get help, then next thing you know, the horn is blowing and the bus drives into town. Nice twist on finding the prison bus instead of the school bus, btw.

What’s Jake’s secret? Ivylad guessed he was in prison, I’m thinking he was dishonorably discharged from the Army (he told the kid he learned how to do the trach in the Army, and that he was a screw-up)

I’ll probably give it a few more chances. It’s something to watch before Lost.

He wasn’t in military school, the Army, the Navy, or any of the cover stories he gave. I’m betting prison (with some sort of medical background before that), but we won’t learn that for a few episodes.

Did I miss something. I remember after he did it someone asked him how he knew how to do that and he said military school. I wasn’t watching all that close though.

I agree. We don’t know his background yet. None of his answers were the truth.

And as for learning how to do a tracheostomy… I’ve watched enough medical dramas to think that I could do it in a pinch, and if she was going to die anyway I think that qualifies as “in a pinch.” Hell, when she stopped breathing, I said to the TV, “Dude, you’re gonna have to trach her.”

I didn’t. In fact, that’s was the main reason I watched it. He makes me swoon.

Cuteness aside, we really liked it. It’ll probably be the only new show we pick up this season, since nothing else really trips my trigger. For some reason I was thinking Jericho was on at the same time as Lost but I’m happy to see that it’s right before. Wednesday nights are going to become my favorite TV night, I believe.

I’m also betting he was in prison, but I wouldn’t discount him having done a stint in military school. For some reason, I just think he told the kids the truth.

What a coup, though, getting Skeet Ulrich- it’s amazing he was available…

Okay–that wasn’t fair. I have a fractured tailbone, and that made me laugh so hard it hurt. At least I didn’t shoot coffee out my nose.

The story is compelling me to watch, but the heavy-handedness of the acting and music are making me reach for the remote.

It felt very much like last season’s Invasion, which I watched in spite of not liking it.

Military prison maybe?

One question, I read elsewhere the scene from the roof top with the mountains is wrong. No mountains in view anywhere in Kansas. Is this right? (never had the opportunity to visit Kansas).
