Jericho series premiere 9/20 (spoilers)

Just one question. Why do I care about these people? Is it an exercise of small town people dealing with civilization failing? 'Cause I saw that in The Postman (well read it first) I’d like to get answers about what happenned, but since I don’t expect to see that anytime soon, there better be a good reason to watch. (Besides Ashley Scott and the adorable and deaf Shoshannah Stern (get back on Weeds!)).
Oh and CBS, don’t expect people to go to the website and start a frenzy after one show. When you expect things like that to happen, they usually don’t…
All this is not to say it’s bad, cause I liked it, but I’m just not sure how far I"ll follow this.

Heh…I actually clicked on this thread to see if anyone went there and what the website was.

I was entertained enough, although all but the Atlanta thing was predictable. I do wonder what our dark hero wanted “his” money from his dad for and what he’s been doing all this time. Maybe dude from St. Louis was a detective, following Jake?

I do love me some Skeet Ulrich. I even liked Miracles just because he was so pretty to look at.

He told a couple of different stories; he told his friend at the farm he’d been in the army, he said the navy to the ex-girlfriend who didn’t believe it for a second, and something else to the grocery store lady - I forget what it was now, but he told everyone he met a different story about where he’d been. I was also thinking prison or maybe military prison.

The juice-box tracheotomy and the empty prison bus were a bit over the top, but I’ll watch it again.

Minor league baseball.

That’s it! Thanks.

I agree completely.

It looks promising. I’m in for the season, unless it turns out to be really stupid. (Moderately stupid, I can deal with.) And if they do a lot more heavy-handed speechifying, I’m outta there.

Yep. Though I’ll probably see at least one more episode, since my husband really liked it.

Meh so far. I watched the on-line episode & found myself pretty bored. None of the characters interest me at all, and they all feel so darned cliche. Unless I missed something, there’s only one African American in town. He’s not even from there, but rather a smart, street-wise cop from “the big city.” Did I mention he apparently knows everything, and will be called upon to solve everyone’s problems? “What? Something needs fixing? Let me just re-sequence the phase inverters. I learned that as a street-wise African American cop from 'the big city.”

Everyone else in town is apparently a moron, except for Wayward Mysteriously Returning Son, his future girlfriend, his dad the mayor & the kid.

The escaped prisoner was a little too much. Any bets he’s (it’ll surely be a he - this show is no Lost) a crazed psycho killer?

It conflicts with some other shows on Wednesday, but I see it replays on Saturday, so I’ll try to catch it then. I’m mildly intrigued as to whether bombs went off everywhere but this little town. Other than that, I don’t see staying with this show for long.

Get some more interesting characters, quick!

I think the black guy who knows too much is from the prison bus.
Or did he specifially say he was a cop?

I thought he said he was a cop, or an ex-cop. Someone immediately started asking him if he were the “science teacher.”

Looks like TWoP will be recapping this. :slight_smile: That makes me much more likely to keep watching, as I truly enjoy a good TWoP snark-a-rama.

That could be, although if that’s the case where did he get the clothes from?

He specifically said he was an ex-cop, and I like the idea, but is the timing right? And he had pretty nice fitting clothes, for somebody who probably had to steal them.