Jerk gives friend's dog away while friend is deployed in Afghanistan.

Thismade my blood boil a bit.

Apparently, this Seattle native was deployed for about eight months in Afghanistan and left his beloved yellow Lab, whom he’d raised from a puppy, in the care of what he believed was a trusted friend. Whenever he communicated with the friend, he was told that the dog was doing fine.

When he arrived home, this douchebag told him that he’d “gotten rid” of the dog while he was away. Oakley had either been give away or sold. According to another article I read, there’s evidence the so-called friend tried to sell the dog on Craigslist.

What’s more, he’s apparently told the owner he has no idea whom he gave the dog to. Which is quite :confused: to me. Of course, since the owner is a soldier I like to think that he can give his former friend a little…incentive…to remember.:smiley:

The dog’s microchipped, so there’s that. I hope that now this story has hit the news and social media, they can help reunite a good dog with a good master.

As for the so-called friend, I can think of several outcomes that would be satisfying: a good beating, whether or not the dog is found; a lawsuit (which probably would be legal since I guess it’s technically theft); or to reveal the friend’s name (which, so, far, the owner isn’t doing) in the news, maybe with his address too, and sit back and watch the fun. :smiley:

In the meanwhile, here’s an antidote or two.

I hope he really did give him away or sell him. My first thought in reading the article is that the dog is lost or dead, and the friend is a chickenshit and made up the story about giving him away because he didn’t want to admit he screwed up and the dog ran away/was run over/otherwise is gone.

The thought had crossed my mind as well. It sounded a bit weird that the friend “didn’t know” to whom he gave/sold the dog. I hope that’s not the case.

Ah yes, the SDMB - where animals are more important than people.

It was a big douche move if it is as reported but beaten? Really?

A so-called friend says he’ll take care of his beloved dog for 9 months while he’s deployed in a war zone, sends updates about how the dog is doing well, he gets home wanting to hug his dog, and said “friend” says he actually gave it away and doesn’t know who he gave it to… I’m not really a violent-minded person, but I sure wouldn’t really blame someone who beat up an ex-friend over that act of deception and betrayal.

Animals over people? If the person is that disloyal that he callously disposes of a deployed friend’s property of any kind, much less a living and beloved pet, then fuck that.

Yeah, there’s no way I think this dog is alive for this story and his friend’s behavior to make any sort of sense.

Yes, really. It’s because people—specifically, the guy deployed in Afghanistan, who lost his beloved pet—are so important that this is such a beating-deserving act.

Exactly. Maybe I overreacted in the first flush of anger I felt reading about this, but hearing about betrayals like that does make my blood boil…especially when it seems to be for absolutely no reason. (Granted, I don’t know the whole story, but…)

I’d settle for hearing about a lawsuit, I guess. I suppose the guy DOES have grounds.

It’s bad behavior for sure, but upi assume the calls for a beating are not calling for a literal beating.

What’s a figurative beating like?

Maybe like that punch Sonny Corleone didn’t quite land on his brother-in-law? :smiley:

Are we playing by the normal rules of Pit hyperbole?

Extreme disapproval. No punches thrown. Actually beating this guy would be crazy, and criminal.

Doesn’t he know the proper response is to get a similar-looking dog from the pound? Dozens of identical sitcom episodes can’t all be wrong.

Yup. Just remember to paint the tip of the tail to match the old pet perfectly!

Maybe anonymous could uncover the identity of the “friend.” I’m not saying that would be a good thing, lest I be scolded, but I could understand the appeal.

I’m assuming this story is all over the Net and even Facebook now, as I just heard about this story an hour ago, when I had my own dog at the dog park.

IF the dog is alive and out there, maybe the publicity will help bring him home.

That would work if the dog were a publicity hound. :smack:

Some animals are more important than some people.

I think this is one of those situations where you’d say, “Yes, he could give the guy who gave his dog away a severe beating… but that would be wrong.” :wink: