Jewish Involvement in the TransAtlantic slave trade should be publicly researched...

Yes, but if I am successful in getting it to snow in July, what better proof of my awesome magic powers?

Pfff. Only if you can do it on the northern hemisphere.

I for one am tired of the coverup of fearsome Jewish secret weapons like The Hebrew Hammer.

I didn’t click the link so may be under-informed, but my reaction is … Why?

I’ve never worried about the relative slave trading of Presbyterians vs Methodists, Anglicans vs Romanists, or red-haired people vs brunettes. Is there some particular reason why “public scrutiny” is deserved and “the general public can be informed” about Jews in particular? Dopers in this thread are having fun with their jokes but I want to hear Tekefer007’s answer to my question.

Speaking of “thorough, fair and public scrutiny”, someone calling him/herself Tekefer007 has been quite the busy little bee on Internet forums, posting neat stuff like:

“White people are a genetic anomaly. White supremacist values, which the whole world operates around right now, boils down to being a clever reuse, a veil, to deflect questioning about why or how people turned White, thus avoiding the whole inbreeding conversation and placing White people (anomalous people) at the helm of quite a few important global issues. It should come as no surprise to anyone that the end result is the slow destruction of the earth eventually making it completely INHABITABLE for ANYONE human, animal or plant.”


“Well…obviously this will have to wait until after (Obama)'s re-elected, but it’s probably time to to look at a lot of the Jewish run companies hiring policies. If it’s all Jews at the top in these companies the EEOC should be pressed into action.”

The threads themselves can be located via a search using Google, which as we all know is controlled by Jooz.

Seems like it would have some top notch adult content.

So that means…white people are neither human, animal, nor plant!

So there’s the next question that needs to be answered; White people: Silicon based life forms, Lovecraftian horror from beyond space, or androids?

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn

I prefer a site with both quality academic research and top notch adult content. Something like or

Do they have a ‘Tenured’ section on that last one? :stuck_out_tongue:

You do realize Africans used to keep Jews as slaves back in the day?

Eh, I’d be interested in reading about Jewish slaveowners just for historical interest. IIRC, Deuteronomy et al has a lot of material regarding how slaves are to be treated: did Jewish slavemasters follow those rules? Did they circumcise their slaves, as Jewish law requires? Christian slavemasters attempted to Christianize their slaves, did Jews attempt to convert theirs to Judaism?

But it sounds like a lot of the current writing on the topic is written by people with some weird Conspiracy theories.

Hell, one of my ancestors was taken off a ship by the Barbary Pirates (modern day Libya and Tunisia) and never returned.

As that page says: The main purpose of their attacks was to capture Christian slaves for the Islamic market in North Africa and the Middle East.

So it’s not like white people were never enslaved in the same basic era. One of my family was…

Anybody else suspect we’ll soon be hearing about how most/all European royalty was Black?

They circumcise kittens? WTF? :eek:

Nah, everyone knows they’re Old Ones.

And there were Jewish Barbary pirates, too! COINCIDENCE OR GLOBAL CONSPIRACY?

And Martin’s book *The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews *was published by the Nation of Islam, an organization which amongst other things claims that white people were created in a laboratory by and evil black scientist name Dr. Yacub six thousand years ago.

I’d certainly think long and hard before taking anything they publish seriously.

Well you know, as long as we’re investigating the various groups that engaged in the African Slave Trade (and apparently ignoring other slave trades), perhaps we should investigate African involvement in the African Slave Trade. It’s not like it was 100% white people just ranging up and down the coast grabbing people at random.

Look, let’s just cool it, okay? I can’t even remember the last time I traded slaves with anyone.

Harold Brackman wrote an excellent IMHO rebuttal to Martin also with Ministry of Lies.