Jewish Pirates

Yeah - huh? There was no Jewish community in England between Richard I and Oliver Cromwell.

Arr, me goyim.

That should be “Resh, me goyim.”

It’s an anecdote from when Edward I expelled all the Jews from England in 1290. One group of Jews who had paid for passage to the continent was dumped on an offshore sandbar by the ship’s captain. They all drowned when the rising tide submerged the sandbar.

Yep, Nemo’s got the right of it. History is fun. And full of bastards.

Jewish history is a laugh a minute, ain’t it?

Barney Dreyfuss may have been the biggest Pirate of them all.

I certainly didn’t mean to imply that it would be odd to see many Jews in any musical field, or that Jews aren’t “cool”. It’s just that there’s alway been a theme in Jewish humor, whether it be of the “take my wife please!” school or the more sophisticated variant of Woody Allen types, that doesn’t jibe with the swagger you usually think of “cool” people. Since many people like myself grew up in areas with no Jews this humor was often the only notion of Jews we had. We’re more mocking those comic meme than Jews themselves, especially in an era where Jewish humor is more Sarah Silverman than Henny Youngman.

Sure, but when you step back and go “Iggy Pop”, you go 'Oh, yeah, he’s totally jewish." As it happens, he is. And Joey Ramone, too. (and others, I know, but those two literally defined New York Punk)

Oh, and thanks for recommending The Pledge, whoever did. Interesting book. Missing a lot of stuff that I know about. (The stolen AA gun in the cosmoline story…) but I suspect it’s because the statute of limitations wasn’t up. Make a great movie.

Glad you liked it.

Iggy Pop wasn’t Jewish, he was of Swedish descent. His real name is James Osterberg. (Not all names ending in ‘berg’ are Jewish. One of the most virulent propagandists of the Nazi regime was named Alfred Rosenberg.)

Joey Ramone and Tommy Ramone were Jewish; so was Richard Hell.

I think overall though there were more Jews in hair metal than in punk rock.

Weird. Guess my reference on Iggy was wrong. (You’d think jewwatch would get it right.) Well, such is life. I’m pretty sure Hilly Kristal was, though. (Founder, CBGB’s.)

Lole, Jew Watch lists dozens of people who are definitely NOT Jewish, like Robin Williams. I’ve never seen a more inaccurate list of Jewish celebrities in my life.

Jewwatch is a virulently, insanely, mouth-foamingly racist website that doesn’t even bother to get basic facts correct. If you check, you’ll also see that even countries which were actively hostile to Israel and/or organized extensive persecution of Jews, like Russia, are really cryptozionist countries that are in on the global Jewish agenda. It also says that the Vatican is a Zionist occupied nation.

And, of course, alleges that America is under “Zionist occupation” and it uses “Zionist” as a euphemism for “Jew” in order to say truly outrageous things while claiming “Oh, I was just talking about Zionists!”
To be fair, both bits of crazy racist bullshit that seem to have mainstreamed themselves over the last few years. But yah…

It’s a site for angry hateful crazy people by angry hateful crazy people.

… Huh. So it is. Teach me to look at the first few references I get, pick one, and carry on. Eh.

Yep. Part of the problem is also that it’s got a very high google page ranking (very depressing in and of itself). So many people who have questions about Jews, Judaism or Jewishness get directed to something that makes stormfront look tame.

It’s a shame.

Next thing you know they’ll be claiming that Jews used to be pirates.

“The Zionist institution of piracy.”

U R doin it wrong.