"JFK and SAM" New Light on Kennedy Assassination?

Valenti. He was a Johnson advisor who went on to become president of the MPAA (and introduced the G-PG-R-X rating system).

Whuzzatgottado with the JFK assassination or Stone’s film?

The 1940 Census of the US is sealed and unavailable. Conspiracy?

I suspect that if anything in those files might reflect badly on Lyndon B. Johnson, then they’re probably waiting for Ladybird to die before they release them.

:confused: Cite?

“The football” is a nickname for a briefcase full of emergency codes the President can use to call Strategic Air Command, identify himself, and start WW3. The Prez is followed around by a military officer tasked to carry “the football” (i.e. don’t fumble it) in case emergency military action is needed. In times of transition, sometimes the status and location of the football is disturbingly vague, as after JFK was killed and after Nixon resigned.

Most people in Hollywood dislike Valenti because of the MPAA and it’s whacked out way of deciding how a film is rated. Valenti also was rather vocal in saying that Stone was full of shit with his film about JFK.

US Census Bureau
After a period of 72 years, copies of decennial census forms are available on microfilm for research at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, DC, at Archives regional centers, and at select Federal depository libraries throughout the United States. In addition, these records are available at various other libraries and research facilities throughout the United States.Currently, records are available for 1790 through 1930.

Well, at least I can think of a good, non-conspiratorial reason for keeping the census forms (as distinct from the statistics and analyses) under lock and key for 72 years. Who would fill out the form knowing anybody can go to any federal depository and research the details of your private life?

So I can’t get the details of Jack Ruby.Sam Giancan until 72 years after their death dates? AS far as identity theft goes-how often do elderly people get their identities stolen? I don’t suppose its easy to get credit cards for 70 year olds.

Why not? Retirees might have fixed incomes, but they have steady incomes for life.

What makes you think you can’t?


Seriously, while there might be grounds for saying that not everything that could be released has been, blanket complaints about closed files don’t count for much unless they’re combined with some awareness of what has actually already been released. Otherwise it just looks like uninformed handwaving.

Saw an interview of the secret service man she was reaching toward. He said she was trying to reach a piece of her husbands skull.

I stumjbled through the net one day and read an article about a long drawn out law suit over freedom of information had been settled over the objections of Gov. attys. I had to look it up immediately. It was about flying saucers. It was called the Disclosure Project. Turned out to be a ufo panel. Not what I expected. I needed some great revelations and got radar blips. http://www.netro.ca/disclosure/npccmenu.htm
I guess saucers aren’t dead yet.

You should read Unconventional Flying Objects it’s a NASA scientist’s research into the area of UFOs. No claims as to how something like FTL would work, but lot’s of mathmatical formulas which explain that if they are real, what kind of G forces they would be experiencing, and experiments with things that duplicate (as near as possible) some of the things that ETs have been seen to do. Doesn’t convince me that we’re necessarily being visited by aliens, but fascinating none the less (and none of the annoying, “Oh, they’ve come to save us and teach us how to live in peace and harmony!” crap, either).

From Friday, by Robert Heinlein (Friday’s boss has assigned her to do historical/scientific research to evaluate conspiracy-theory explanations of historical outbreaks of the Black Death):

Actually, there was a grimmer explanation. She was retrieving part of his skull that had blow off. She later handed it to one of the surgeons at Parkland Hospital.

You can’t get his U.S. census listings (or anyone else’s) until 72 years after the census was taken. There are plenty of other sources from which to get information about a person. (I know, I’m a professional genealogist.)

No one is saying anything about “national security”. An investigation as broad as the Kennedy assassination will generate a lot of false leads that are potentially slanderous allegations about living persons; confidential but noncontroversial personal data about living persons; and the names of confidential sources (for example, about organized crime) that are still living.

The government was changed, perhaps substantially, by somebody’s murder. This may matter to some.

The CIA has better things to do than to go around killing wimps. The CIA is an organization of career men that may, at times, kill people to further their agenda.
I won’t go into rumors, books, facts, testimony, because I don’t have time now, but 1. JFK was alleged to have promised to splinter the org into thousands of pieces. They had a lot, lot of money and power then, and, a group of government-destabilizing-killers-assassins would perhaps not be interested in losing hundreds of millions of dollars at the whim of one person that made them the whipping boy in his foul up which was the Bay of Pigs.

  1. He, depending on the slant you want to put on the Bay of Pigs biz, betrayed a few thousand people that he sent to overthrow another government. Then, he *wimped *out. Many died because of the his failures. Right or wrong, one can see that this may make a lot of people angry.

Power, money, death, betrayal. Fair motives if you want to look for modus operandi in a murder.
