Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge on Syfy

Anybody watch this? Discussion of the show to follow so if you don’t want spoilers …
I had high hopes that it would be a bit more on the fabrication and less people drama but it seemed the first episode was more about a team with a chatty possibly ADD woman and the arrogant passive-aggressive guy. The guy was so confident in his expert abilities that he never spoke up and added his ideas claiming he gave up trying to talk over her. The obvious problem was that neither of them actually talked to each other, one rambled too much and the other just shook his head and said “whatever” and didn’t bother to attempt to give an opinion until it was too late for them to change anything. His plan seemed to be to just blame her if it all went to shit, which he did.

But they weren’t the worst. The worst group was obvious. I felt bad for the guys but seriously why go on a show like that if you don’t know how to work in foam? You have to know it’s going to come up, it’s sort of the base of most all of the creatures.

The winning creature I agreed with, I thought it looked enough like a deep sea creature but also was nothing we’ve really seen before.

I hope that additional episodes get away from the people drama and stay with more of how they make the things. I’d rather the drama come from an idea not working and what they come up with to fix it when under pressure than personality clashes.

So, anybody else watch or care?

I am amazed at the talent shown! Creating those huge full-body creatures in just two days! I agree with both the winner and the losing look for this one.

Yes, even the judges were impressed by how much they did in two days but if they thought it would be that difficult why would they even set such a short amount of time? It’s filmed so they can give them any amount of time and edit it down. I hope they give them more time on individual challenges.

The fact that it’s filmed may be relevant to the audience because we see the edited version of what happened… but the cost to produce the show is still based on having crew, studio and equipment on hand. Those things are not cheap, and turning two days of fabrication into three adds a lot to the production budget.

Anyway, I’ll be back to this thread this weekend after I’ve had a chance to catch the show. I was up working on tax returns all night. I should be working on tax return now…