Joan Rivers, you insensitive, skanky, ignorant bag of bones and plastic

regarding the odd eyebrow phenomenon, it may be the result of shaving off her eyebrows and penciling them in. I read about this practice in Platinum Girl (by our Eve) when Jean Harlow started doing it. It gives such an odd, unnatural look, but many hollywood people do it, apparently.


You forgot pus.


“One more face-lift and she’ll have a beard.” - Patsy Stone

Probably a grey one.

  • s.e.

You forgot a “s”.


Last time I checked, there was only one ‘s’ in pus. :smiley:

  • s.e.

I, personally, would pay to fly widows and orphans of 9/11 to see Joan Rivers perform. I imagine that before she even made it to the “punch-line” of that joke, there’d be a dozen or more of them up there, ripping her throat out. I can’t think of a more appropriate way for her to die.

Women like her give the word “bitch” a bad name.

OSH! Grow UP!

:: d&r ::

It’d probably look something like this.

Indeed. :slight_smile:

Wasn’t that a Winston Churchill zinger?

LADY ASTOR: Sir, if I were your wife, I’d put poison in your wine.

CHURCHILL: If I was your husband, I’d drink it.

I think Mr. Rivers saw the brutal logic of the situation. I am sure he was a penthouse in Heaven for putting up with that hag as long as he did.