job descriptions & last names in Germany

I don’t know if anyone else gets a kick out of Google translations the way I do, but starting about a third of the way down this page we get some pretty good ones. I do feel bad for Hans Jeurgen, though.

Let me try that again:

This is the link I meant to post:
Again a third of the way down.

Try This Translated Link

I like the guy’s name right under Hans :slight_smile:

Fiddlesticks…for some reason the translated link didn’t take…

It’s under “Imprint” on the list to the left :smack:

Why not just tell us what it was?

I actually figured that after the third attempt, I should just let it die a natural death. My thinking was that nothing is really funny enough to survive a fourth attempt at a link.

Anyway, one of the editorial staff was identified as “Free Woman Employee.” Beneath her was a “Free Co-Worker.” I thought it was maybe a warning, like with asbestos or something.

Also, the program translated several last names. IIRC, Hans Juergen also had a comma after his middle name. It said Hans Juergen, bitter man. Another staff member was identified as Holger Plays the Harp.

See, you really had to be there. The accopmanying pictures really make it work. Also, I’ve been building this thing up for eight hours now, and it was really more of a “Ha, that’s funny” thing.

[danny elfman]Oh well. [/danny elfman]

Well that Google translator doesn’t know how to decline…

Holger isn’t playing the Harp!
You are!

Get it!
You are playing the harp!

Haaa HHHaaa HHahahaa…erm.

Holger Harfst is his name and content is his game.

I don’t get it.

I mean, I get the tee hee about having a last name about being a bitter man, but…would it be in the same juvenile gigglefest if someone had the last name of Fucknow or Fukov?

Yes, it’s mostly just chortling at the silly way the program translates. I didn’t think it would translate a proper name, but I guess it doesn’t know any better.