Jogging and cramps

We all get cramps from jogging from time to time. But, is there ever a phenomenon that arises in the same way as a cramp, feels like a cramp, but is another much more serious problem that is potentially hazardous? The past two times I have jogged, at the same portion of the run, I get a localized sharp pressure pain in the RLQ and it diffuses to the RUQ, in between the midclavicular and midaxillary line. Both times have been on a fairly empty stomach, and both times I have had some mild gas issues in the beginning of the run. The pain promptly dissipates about 4 min. later. I have no history of this (or any other health issue at all), but then again, these are the longest runs i have been doing (24 min. at 165 bpm, 7.7 mph, ~3 mi.) Needless to say, the pain is fairly bad, and it does not seem to get any better as I push through.
I have been using a certain breathing technique to combat my bodys’ affinity for hyperventilating… taking a very deep breath every so often. It has helped to combat fatigue, but could these breaths be irritating anything?

My guess is the gas issue has something to do with it… should I just push through this? Actually, some of you will appreciate the humor in this: The time before this first incidence, I had to stop running 3 min. into the run because my flatulence went from pressure in my stomach to my neck area! Is this normal and/or relevant???

Have you tried cutting milk products out of your diet? A couple of different runners I know had something similar (not the flatulence/neck thing) and it turned out they had developed a lactose intolerance regarding running.

I only eat cheese occasionally.

Hunger and it’s associated sodium deprivation can do it. From early elementary school through high school I was a wrestler (we didn’t eat or drink much for weight reasons) and sometimes we’d get ridiculous cramps in various parts of our bodies because sodium was missing. Sucking on (never eating) stadium-style nachos usually helped - the body needs electrolytes and salt.
Also, an interesting article in the New York Times today discussed the results of a study that addressed the problem of OVER-hydration in marathon runners. Apparently, many (mostly on the slow side) runners consume too much fluid during marathons and even gain water-weight. Their blood becomes diluted (i.e. not enough sodium) and their bodies place the extra fluid in cells… including the brain and other vital organs… the cells die from hyponatremia (over-hydration).