Gee, Sam what took you so long? These guys hit the blogosphere days ago, the Freepers are all over this, and National Review Online is publicly wetting itself!
So whadda we got here? A whole bunch of public minded citizens, first and foremost Mr O’Neill, who seems to have appointed himself Mr. Kerry’s personal Betty Noyer since The Nixon first blessed him. Veterans incensed with rage and fury over Mr. Kerry’s publicly unpatriotic anti-war stance, as all right thinking 'Nam vets are. Of course. The ones I knew must have been some bunch of oddballs, which would explain why the lived in Minnesota. Yeah, that must be it.
Oddly enough, thier relentless civic virtue lay rather dormant throughout the years when Kerry was stalking, Lurch-like, through the Senate, strangling defense budgets a-borning. “Bwah-ha-ha-ha” he cackled.
Yet they remained silent, a mere Senator not inspiring enough, one must assume.
So, yeah, I’ve been kind of keeping a bemused and sardonic eye on this the last several days. I do recall seeing some other print about this, probably in connection to some blog, wherein at the time at least one of these Very Unusual Suspects had signed a letter of commendation Lt. (j.g.) Kerry. But I’m too lazy to go searching, and besides, this thread heats up somebody will ferret it out.
Also, something passed about how they demanded that Kerry release his military records again because the first time they passed through his office and they were suspicious that perhaps…get this, this is where it gets really, really good…perhaps some documents were missing!!!
No, really! I’m not making this up!
So, OK, let ‘er rip, Sam, bring it on! Let’s see what they got. They say they got a letter signed by everybody who ever even used the same latrine (head?) as Kerry, all swearing what a lump o’ shit he was. Has it been released yet? Names been checked out? Been a few days now, is there some sort of problem?