John Moses Browning - Book

I looking for a good biography of:
John Moses Browning

gunsmith, inventor
Born: 1/21/1855
Birthplace: Ogden, Utah
Died: 11/26/1926

I haven’t been able to find anything useful at Amazon or Barnes&Noble, so I’m turning to you Dopers. Any suggestions would be helpful.


Easy one-step assembly instructions.
Pour Beer A in Uncle B.

You might want to contact the writers of this page and ask where they got their biographical info on JMB.

John M. Browning Memorial Museum, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Ill. 61201.

The above is the address to the museum.
The site below has a book about Browning’s over and under but it doesn’t look like there is much biographical material on the man himself. I’d write the museum.

No idea as to quality, but a search of OCLC’s WorldCat pulled up 10 titles; some were children’s books and videos, etc. but 2 of the most promising:

Gene Gangarosa
FN…Browning, armorer to the world
Stoeger Pub. Co., Wayne, NJ 1999
334 p.; ill.

John B. Browning
John M. Browning, American gunmaker: an illustrated biography of the man and his guns, 2nd. ed.
Browning Publishing, 1994
390 p; ill.

Will look a bit more, to see if there are additional titles and pin down availability.
But for the nonce, hope this helps.


You guys rock. That’ll do it. Thanks.

Now that I have a title, John M. Browning, American gunmaker: an illustrated biography of the man and his guns, I was able to find a used copy at Barnes&Noble. A bit expensive, $70, but I think it should be well worth it.

Thanks again. I owe y’all a beer.

Easy one-step assembly instructions.
Pour Beer A in Uncle B.

UncaBeer, you’re scarin’ me.

Ummm, why does this scare you Elelle?

Easy one-step assembly instructions.
Pour Beer A in Uncle B.