Joining the 28-tooth club (TMI, probably)

I kind of in the same boat as The Stranger except that I am missing 3 wisdom teeth. I only have one in my lower left arch and it hasn’t moved for years.

I was born without 6 permenant teeth… 2 missing from my upper arch and 4 missing from my bottom. This made me have to go in for quite a lot of dental work when I was in my teens.

Those of you who were knocked out to have your wisdom teeth pulled: You really had it lucky. You didn’t have to hear the ripping of flesh that comes with any tooth extraction. It’s a sound I will never forget! :eek:

Day 2 - things are pretty good. Just some soreness in my jaw, a little swelling and some slow bleeding off and on. I’ve been taking the IB most of the day and that’s done the trick. Man I miss solid foods already…I could sure go for a burger and fries right now. While ice cream and pudding are nice on occasion…it’s going to be a long weekend…

Moon-Watcher, if you are anywhere in the vincinity of Toronto when you recover, I’ll buy you a solid meal. :wink:

I wish they would knock me out for dental surgery. I was in the chair for three hours when all four of my wisdom teeth were taken out. My bottom two were growing in sideways, and were going under my back molars (impacted?). The dentist gave me about five or six shots (including one which made my eye feel like it had just exploded), and then he began to saw through the first bottom tooth. Not al the way through, just enough to insert a mini tooth “crowbar” which he used to crack the tooth into a couple of easily removed chunks.

When they pulled the top tooth, I actually asked when he was going to yank it out. He held it up and told me that he already had. I didn’t even notice. That’s how bad the lower removals were. Pulling a normal tooth was a relief.

Hang in there, you’ll get through it. I once had my mouth wired shut for four weeks due to a broken jaw, so I was really sick of milkshakes and puddings and the like. I still can’t do milkshakes.

I’m also a member of the 24-tooth club, though I guess it’s really 23 since I have a false one from losing one in the accident where I broke my jaw. Plus I had all but two of my baby teeth pulled, including my upper eye teeth twice since I had three sets of teeth there (weird, huh).

Let’s see if I can do the math. There are 20 baby teeth, so I had 18 removed, plus two extra eye teeth, plus two other permanents (I have no idea where those would have been in my mouth–are they molars?). That’s a lot of tooth-pulling. I won’t even get into the other dental surgeries and crap, but my mouth was very expensive.

Luckily, I’ve never had a cavity.

I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled years ago. I’d never had a problem with them, but they had never completely erupted (?). So they were removed. Three days later, I was healed enough to eat anything and everything, just like before. I’ve never missed them. I was awake during the procedure, but was so stoned (shots and gas), that I didn’t care about the grinding/crunching noises, or anything else.

I had a baby tooth (right eye tooth) pulled when I was younger and the bone removed from my hard palate to expose the rogue adult tooth that was trying to push through in the middle of my mouth.

They slowly (with orthodontics) pulled the adult over into the hole left by the baby tooth.

That wasn’t bad. The removal of all the gum that had built up into wrinkles on the lip side of my gums was… because they burnt it off and the smell of cooking flesh made my stomach rumble.

Ever been hungry for your own flesh? :eek:

Oh man, I feel for you. I got mine out two summers ago and it SUCKED. You seem to be handling it better than I was though. It’s not cool to wake up with blood dripping over your face. Its even less cool to puke up a stomach full of swallowed blood and blood clots.

And to top it all off, I got two dry sockets. Yes, two. At the same time, on either side of my mouth. And this foul nasty green pus continued to ooze out of the sockets for at least 2 weeks. Bad situation all around. I don’t do good with surgeries I think.