Jokes that sound like they are going to be racist, but aren't

I think it refers to this:

A nun that fell down the stairs

I heard it differently:

What’s brown and rhymes with Snoop?

Dr. Dre.


:smack: Must have mixed him up with the Kaiser Chief…

He could have been a great, but probably spent too much time in the pie shop with Thomas Brolin…

What do you call a Polish guy with a $600 hat?

Your Holiness (it was a sad day in 2005 when we had to retire this one).

Nah, I was fishing for responses. I’ve known about “newspaper” and “sunburnt zebra” since I was about six, felt like seeing how many others there are.
(As a traumatized survivor of 1950’s Catholic Schools I really like the “injured nun.”)

Penguin in a blender?

My Beyoncé poster.

A blushing penguin.

A nun with a sunburn.

:smiley: Brilliant.

So… what’s pink and hard in the morning? (another old one)

The Financial Times crossword.

Here’s one that’s a bit out of date - it’s from 1982:

How many Polish people does it take to change a lightbulb?

None - they just turn off all of the other lights and hang a sign outside of the home saying “Solidarity Blackout,” and pretty soon a Soviet T-54 tank will show up and the crew will put 200-watt bulbs in every light socket.

That’s like one of my favorite scenes ever.

What’s long and hard and filled with seamen?

A submarine.

Um, we’re doing Non-racist jokes, not the admissions exam for The Turtle Club.

Are you a turtle? :confused:

And the black & white and red all over is non-racist how again?

I hate to be the dunce here, but is there a racist punch line I’m supposed to assume you’re going to say before you spring the actual one? If so, what is it??

I think the assumption is that Will Smith is not going to blend in with the snow as it is white.

What do you call a Scot in the knockout stage of a (soccer) World Cup


How are “A newspaper”, “a blushing penguin”, and “a sunburned nun” racist? :dubious: