Jokes that sound like they are going to be racist, but aren't

The daily mail is a fairly racist newspaper.
I once knew a nun that had just come back from Spain and she didn’t like the waiters much.
I’m stumped on the blushing penguin. Unless it’s one of those that live in South Africa and is blushing out of embarrassment of supporting apartheid.

An Amish guy working hard?

I hope you’ll take this in the spirit its meant but ----------- I love you. :slight_smile:

You bet your sweet ass I am.

They aren’t, but as a giggly 10 year old I thought the straight line suggested some sort of cretinous negro humor. As the OP said: jokes that sound like they’re going to be racist, but aren’t.

And if you were whooshing me, I want my 45 seconds back that I just wasted typing this. 57 seconds, now.

Edit- forget about the service charge, I need to clarify: by “negro humor” I mean a joke whose punchline was some kind of punning slam against black people. Heard a lot of them when and where I was growing up.

I first heard it as hand-picked, put in a sack, and thrown over the back of a donkey by Juan Valdez.

Yeah, it’s from an early Patton Oswalt bit.